Happy Birthday zooo Page 4

There was a 'young' cat called Zooo
Who didn't like sardines..what to do?
She binned the poor fish, ate a cake from a dish
Licked her lips and said 'that was delish'
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Zooo luv!
Happy Birthday Miss Zooo.
Chip, I'm curious about your top ten......
Zoooooo! Happy 18th birthday- you don't look a day over 17 and a half!
Happy Birthday Zooo!!!!!
Happy brithday to Zooo
A beautiful girl who knew not what to do
So she became a mod And shagged some spod
That talented polymath Zooo
The big 3-1! Have a great day!

Happy Birthday!
Many happy returns and all that. Whatever that means.
Happy belly-aching birthday to zooo.
Happy motherfuddin birthday!
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop @ June 27 2011, 2:14 PM BSTChip, I'm curious about your top ten......
That was last year. Zooo's dropped from 11th to 17th in the past twelve months.
Happy birthday. To you.
Happy Birthday Zooooooooo! xx