Monday 28th June 2010 7:49am [Edited]
1,645 posts
Quote: SandwichShort @ June 27 2010, 9:49 AM BST
I thought the script & animation very good. A sense of sadness at the end with Brian Park on his own in the stalls - most poignant. It's clever to mix emotions - IMHO.
Thanks Sandwichshort, and welcome to the site! I'm glad people like the ending, trying to get away from sketches to more deeper, story-like stuff. Although saying that my next animation is just stupid!
Quote: Simon B @ June 27 2010, 10:37 AM BST
Me like. I still would have liked to have seen a live action version !
Cheers Simon. Yeah, It probably would have been a better medium but I was just stuck on wanting to learn some CG. I think I saw a comment made about making the character design more realistic too. This is probably for the same reason. I knew the character had to look like a realistic human for the stadium on his head to be the weird part. So I would have gone more realistic, I'm just not that great at drawing humans!
Quote: swerytd @ June 28 2010, 8:27 AM BST
Brief mention for Afinkawan -- saw he got a credit for something too 
Cheers Dan. Voice work is top notch. Lip synching drove me bonkers!! There was just so much to do! Plus I couldn't make the model's mouth into a satisfactory 'O' shape so that will be something I sort out next time.
Yeah Afinkawan gave me the idea for the Mexican wave in critique, thought it rude to not give a thanks. He also gave me the idea for the set-up to part II so more thanks coming!