Please feel free to laugh, smile, smirk or none of the above as Newsjack apparently does.
MAN:I've heard a lot of chess jokes about Bobby Fischer's body being exhumed in Iceland. Personally, I find them a bit tasteless, just like their frozen pawns.
LIBERAL WOMAN:I don't have a problem with porn being made in hospitals. Everyone needs to loosen up and stop being so stiff. No, wait... not everyone.
MILES JUPP:I'm glad the BBC is thinking of publishing its stars salaries. Finally you'll be able to see I'm worth it, dam it.
WOMAN:I think the Pope has a lot of explaining to do when he comes here. Mainly, what was he doing in Hitler's youth? As a member I mean, a member.
CORRECTION #1:Last week we reported on a hospital hiring out a ward for a big budget porn movie to be shot. We incorrectly stated that the hospital was hard up. It turns out they just needed a cash injection. A money shot, if you will.