British Comedy Guide

Big Brother final season Page 34

They need to bring in the 3 B's
Barrymore, Bubble & Bez

Lol, Bubble?
His best moment was running into that table and catapulting himself over. That was amazing.

And breaking his leg doing it (or something).

The tree is wonderful. "Walrus chops" :D

Tree - "See ya later Womble."
McCririck - "Ha, I actually like you."
Tree- "Well, I hate you"

I do love the tree.

Josie's just walked out of the house!

:O Nooooooo!!!

Brian to win!! :D

Ha, yes please. Or maybe Nikki.

Quote: zooo @ August 26 2010, 5:18 PM BST

Or maybe Nikki.


Hehe. Maybe she'll annoy you less this time around!

She's already failed.

Aw, when?!

Davina - "It's Nikki!!" <--Then. :D

Rolling eyes

I can't abide Nikki, she's as bad as McCririck. Glad Josie's out, it was a desperately bad idea putting her in with that lot. She's won and deserves her celebrations.

Agree, if I had a 100 grand in the bank I wouldn't have sat in there for another day with those losers.

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