British Comedy Guide

Big Brother final season Page 20

Ahhh. Thought some exciting big specific thing might have happened.


Quote: zooo @ July 5 2010, 10:38 PM BST

So did today's show explain why Scabby walked out today? Because I have no idea why she's gone.

I think she realised just how badly she's coming across and knows she'll get a torrid reception. Better to walk than face the baying mob. Tonights mocking of Iffy just brought it home to her.

Quote: Nil Putters @ July 5 2010, 10:43 PM BST


The Iffy stuff! Straw that broke the camels etc.

Yeah, it was the Iffy stuff, and the bedroom shambles. But it was hardly a big thing.

Quote: Nil Putters @ July 5 2010, 10:54 PM BST

Yeah, it was the Iffy stuff, and the bedroom shambles. But it was hardly a big thing.

:O It's only the biggest thing in my life this week!


That Nathan's a class act. Such a nice way of talking to people.

Surely you mean-

Quote: chipolata @ July 6 2010, 10:22 PM BST

That F**king, that Nathan, right? Is a f**king, like, a f**king class f**king act. Such a nice f**king way of f**king talking to f**kers.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 6 2010, 10:37 PM BST

Surely you mean-

:D We shouldn't mock. He's just a happy go lucky chap havin' it f**kin large.

He'll be out this week! Yay. Bloody commoner.

Is thsi series worth trying to get into?
Or has Shabby really gone?

I only watched the one when she had to give up her hat & I was starting to get a bit rehooked.

Doesn't look like Nathan will be up. And talking of commoners, how old is Corin? She's got the wizened face of an elderly dwarf.

Oh, well I read he was, but I could have misunderstood.
Hope he is.

Quote: chipolata @ July 6 2010, 10:55 PM BST

She's got the wizened face of an elderly dwarf.

Oooh, good call.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 6 2010, 10:52 PM BST

Is thsi series worth trying to get into? Or has Shabby really gone? I only watched the one when she had to give up her hat & I was starting to get a bit rehooked.

It's the best it's been for a while and there's enough c**ts still in to keep it interesting for a few weeks yet.

Quote: zooo @ July 6 2010, 11:04 PM BST

Oh, well I read he was, but I could have misunderstood. Hope he is.

If Colostomy wins the challenge tomorrow she'll definitely put him up.

Compared to the last few years, this one is pretty good.
They're lucky it has been a good one. Means they'll have decent figures and stuff if they want some other channel to buy it.

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