Chimney Fish
Very professional, lovely acting and very funny. And the awkward silence at the end is a thing of beauty.
That is top notch.
Works well even if not hugely original.
Very good, I laughed at Bedtime Story too. Excellent.
Very, very funny and extremely well acted. Stop it after the static caravanette stuff though. The current ending is just bollocks. And sort out the aspect ratio.
Very funny Mik, very well observed character. Had me laughing throughout.
Did you write it?
"Sketch taken from Chimney Fish a sketch show pilot written and directed by..."
Quote: Nil Putters @ June 9 2010, 3:54 PM BST"Sketch taken from Chimney Fish a sketch show pilot written and directed by..."
I read that. But the bit after the ellipsis doesn't say "The Cool Mikado".
Not for me this one, feels a bit dated.
It's like most of your stuff: great production values; no laughs.
Very nice. Great character. Apart from the aspect ratio! I agree with the above: the gay ending is a bit 'gay'. Finnish before that.
Thanks as always for all the feedback