The first few minutes and that woman moving around a lot were highly annoying, but it got better after that, Jen with an Italian accent made me feel warm and fuzzy and when I heard the words Gianluca Vialli, I felt like Roy on the laptop!
When he set fire to the Seaworld model, I was expecting her to walk in, so maybe she'll be in it for at least one more episode, surely they wouldn't have missed that opportunity if it was a one off appearance.
I did like his 2nd reaction on the roundabout, the confused and disinterested look as he tried to fathom the answer to the fire, when really he should have enjoyed the moment and euphoria of being with someone he was besotted with, a lesson for all guys out there really! or maybe it's just me.
A good episode, and now I've an idea for a new thread ![:D](