British Comedy Guide

I forgot to enter the amnesia skit comp

And now I've forgotten when the deadline is - or was?
What's a skit comp, anyway?
Can I have a go at it if I remember what to do before
I remember when I have to do it.
Does forgetting the meaning of deadlines allow me to
hava go at all the comps that I never probably entered?

However, I can rememember the fifth of November - but Fawk knows why?

Put the crayons down, and step away from Critique.

Quote: don rushmore @ April 21 2010, 10:56 PM BST

Put the crayons down, and step away from Critique.

You grab the legs I'll grab the arms.

Thanks for your votes chaps. Will they be added to my meagre 2 point score? Or was it too late? And were they votes?

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