British Comedy Guide

What do we do in Government

Nick Clegg and Vince Cable are having a meeting.

Clegg is on the phone.

Clegg : No, no. It has to be May 7th. Make sure it's a big truck; I've got a lot of stuff to move <beat> mainly fifteen years of broken dreams, but of course all that's over now. Different world. Right. So see you at about Eight, don't be late I've got a meeting at Palace planned for later on. Okay, then. Bye.

Clegg puts down phone

Clegg : Shit! Didn't tell them which number Downing Street. Oh forget it, I'll tell em it's the one with the copper outside.

Vince : You know there is one thing worrying me about all this.

Clegg : What?

Vince : What do Governments actually do?

Heavy Silence Fills the Room.

Vince : We need to ask someone. Quick.

Clegg : Don't worry Charles will know.

Vince : I doubt it, he's been making the most of the fact that the tax rise on Cider didn't happen.

Clegg : Shit. Ming?

Vince : Ming's had dementia for the last ten years, we just didn't tell anyone.

Clegg : Paddy?

Vince : No.

Clegg : Steel?

Vince : Steel? F**k off!

Clegg : So who can we ask in the party about Government?

Vince : Lloyd George.

Clegg: Where's he?

Vince : He's f**king well dead Nick. Died, 65 f**king years ago.

Clegg : So, there is no one to ask.

Vince : No.

Clegg : We're screwed. We can't go into government like this.

Vince : Can I make I suggestion.

Clegg : Yes please.

Vince : Do the next f**king debate with your flies open.

Very good! :D (Bit of naughty language though!)

I think you could cut: '...Oh forget it, I'll tell it's the one with the copper outside.' If he could tell them this then he could tell them what no. it was and it slows the sketch down too.

But I enjoyed.

Quote: The Giggle-o @ April 19 2010, 8:48 PM BST

Very good! :D (Bit of naughty language though!)

Cheers Adam.

Its the way NR like em!

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