British Comedy Guide

Frank N steve are BACK!

Hey guys,
After last times 'when steve met sally' epic fail, I thought I'd try to bring the boys back to their roots....

No television.

Looking forward to seeing what you guys think, thanks to everyone who commented on the last video.

cheers Jon


A bit all over the place, this. You begin with some stuff about the undead enjoying ice cream that never really blossoms into a joke, then you switch halfway through to some a business about a broken telly (that also doesn't really go anywhere). I'm sure it's very tempting to get straight to the animating part of the process but to my mind you'd benefit from spending a little more time writing first.

I agree.

I found it all terribly poor, I'm afraid.

The 'Oh no, the TV's broken! What do we do now?!' routine has been done to death... And to far greater comic effect.

Back to the drawing board on this one, guys.

thanks for all the comments guys, I clearly need to drag my a** into a cupboard and have a serious word with myself...

Thought it was pretty good, but then again I sympathise with the animation process. It's not as good as the rest, but for a quickie it worked quite well.

A broken TV probably isn't that original, but in these early stages of sketch-making, there's no harm in playing about with those ideas.

Hi guys,

Your animation is coming along quite nicely. I'd like to see some more framed shots start to distance yourself from the pack.

Voices are really good.

The story wasn't great.

Do you story board your work before animating?

I doubt it's much consolation, but I like that Steve has exactly the same voice as Bernard Bresslaw.

Enjoyed the opening sequence and music - this series is beginning to develop a proper identity. It's not the best in the series simply from the subject matter overuse BUT the animation, the voices, etc have had all the early issues ironed out.

I did like the 3 coffins on the wall - first time I'd noticed that.

I'm afraid you've written better.

Dull jokes poorly worked through. But the rest of this series has been better.

So like Cameron get back on form!

thanks all the comments guys, next time, I'll come back stronger on the writing front, I promise. =]

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