British Comedy Guide

The All In One Consolidatory Minority Sport Thread

My mum was good at carpet bowls Gawd rest 'er soul.


What sport are you interested in/good at that you wouldn't find the Sky TV cameras at?

Horse Wrestling

Underwater Raven Racing.

I like the way this thread is turning - bit like a sporting version of worst idea for a sitcom. :)

Quote: Oldrocker @ April 12 2010, 12:44 AM BST

Underwater Raven Racing.


TV watching!

Fox hunting.

Just watched 2010 Paris-Rubaix today.

Would American football be a minority sport on this board, cause spring football is going strong?

Did anyone go and see the game they played at Wembley this year or last?

Quote: deckard @ April 12 2010, 2:44 AM BST

Would American football be a minority sport on this board, cause spring football is going strong?

Football season in the U.S. doesn't begin for another 4 or 5 months.

I wish I was good at an obscure sport.

I guess I was a good female rugby union player, and pretty good at Touch Rugby now.

We should abolish all threads and have just one All In One Consolidatory Thread. It'd make things a lot spick and spanner around here.

Quote: deckard @ April 12 2010, 2:44 AM BST

Would American football be a minority sport on this board,

Yes, we have proper football here. Not that I watch or follow it.


Have you guys seen that winter event where they go down a bobsleigh track on a f**king dinner tray at 80mph with their chins an inch from the ice? Jesus!

Quote: David Bussell @ April 12 2010, 11:50 AM BST

Have you guys seen that winter event where they go down a bobsleigh track on a f**king dinner tray at 8mph with their chins an inch from the ice? Jesus!

8mph? That sounds almost as dangerous as gardening! :O

Quote: Tuumble @ April 12 2010, 3:48 PM BST

8mph? That sounds almost as dangerous as gardening! :O

I'm sorry, there was a pine nut wedged under my zero key. See edit.

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