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Hey ho here goes. Starting writing a sketch show about everything that's wrong with televison and society nowadays. With the sudden influx of celeb idols and also our showbiz friends firm grasp onto our dreams. The sketch show already has twelve characters. Tarquin Farqios (The critic on almost anything) Robert Dreams and co (The reality family) Emila Dordogne (The Social princess) Bruce Champ (Britans next champion) and Alexanda Kempt (Sureal artist) I guess I need two more writers, anymore just spoils the broth. I'll wait your call.

Are you looking for people to write sketches about the characters you've created, or can they bring their own ideas? I like the theme, and most of my sketches rip the piss out of modern life. My personal bugbear is over the top political correctness *gnash*

I'm up for it.

Wow. I have all the characters at home in france and i've already started writing about them. There are probably more than twelve in fact and i have many ideas. Though call me crazy but i dont fancy putting them on the forum until there finished. If you'd like to swap ideas or read mine then i will do. Though not really for everyone to see, not yet anywho. I fancy creating a sketch show about modern society. if you fancy reading my ideas then let me know. Tarquin Farquois is the first i've done. Due to the fact of the amout of critics that have now received celebrity status for probably failing in the career they choose. They think they can tell people how to dress,eat,talk, even what to watch and look at in art. Cor they drive me mental, i can see a sketch alreday.
Plus i have many more. love to here from you Reiss Ellesse. (in France)

A critic is a legless man that teaches running.

A critic is a eunuch who knows all the theory but in pracrise cannot actually do it for himself.

Well Tarquin Farquois disagrees entirely. A critic is a free representative of the public who need their minds changing to his thoughts. A true trojan bringing great enlightenment to all the council estate fodder. a genuine article helping societies ignoramus's. And you can rent him to critic anything just call 0800 Planet Bubble gum. Or speak to my agent Rich Dave

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