British Comedy Guide

Easter and Lent (the dangers)

Its Easter in Ireland and all is not well
For Conor and Paddy are going to hell
Neither gave up anything for Lent
And now down below they are being sent.

Good Friday arrives and in a flash of light
They both disappear in the bright of the night

They are greeted by Hitler and Attila the Hun
But no Easter bunnies, not even a bun.
Just goblins and monsters and gnashing of teeth
And Joseph Stalin chopping up meat.

Jack the Ripper walks by saluting Paddy and Conor
Saying: "It's a pleasure to meet you, In fact it's an honour".

They meet and befriend a frog known as Rickament
And they asked:"How do we get out of this awful predicament"?

He said:"If you are truly sorry a message will appear
An escape route will form, getting you out of here
If you see these words do not delay
Say them quick or forever you will stay".

With a clamber and a crash a fighting ring emerged from the wall
A ferret and an otter were about to brawl.
Just then hot coals and ashes turned into red setters
And the spots on the frogs back began to form letters.

On the frogs back some words did appear
And Paddy and Conor said them loud and clear.

"Good Easter, good morrow, good evening, good night
An otter and a ferret are going to fight".

Thus with a flash the duo returned
Almost unscathed, just slightly burned.

First appeared their heads and then their legs
Resurrected on Easter Sunday to enjoy their chocolate eggs.

I very much enjoyed this Otterfox. Warm.

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