British Comedy Guide

Blog on the Bog


Firstly allow myself to introduce, myself, my name is James and I would like to be a comedy writer. It dawned on me recently that all the crazy ideas I keep having could potentially be translated into comedy through the wonder of blogging, so I started a couple of blogs to see if I was any good.

This is where the comedy forum comes in, I would be very interested to get the opinion of those who know good comedy from bad blogging. My blog is only a month old but I have managed to throw together about 10 posts and would very much appreciate some critique.

Have a look around, let me know what you think, good or bad.

The killer question is, do you think I have a future as a comedy writer or should I stick to my day job?

Thanks for reading.

Hi James

Firstly welcome to the site. I had a look at your blog and as you asked for opinions, here's mine:

I found your blog more interesting than funny. I can see you were using examples of everyday life, but you weren't bowling over with the jokes. However, this blog doesn't give a good indication if you would have a future as a comedy writer or not.

To prove that you would need to write sketches or sitcoms and seek feedback on that. There are open radio programmes and other opportunities from time to time during the year to which you can send sketches/material in. If you manage to get them in there,that's a good start.

To know when opps come along, you need to keep checking the Writing Opportunities part of this forum which gets updated on a regular basis thanks to the good people who are on here. You could also check the BBC writersroom opportunities section.


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