Alfred J Kipper
Thursday 1st April 2010 8:25am [Edited]
8,392 posts
I find it a little irritaing, no, a lot irritating when TV companies do this; obviously if they were from really popular shows and the spin off is genuinely good in its own right (that's rare), I'm less irritated, but my lordy, does it irritate me, in fact it depresses me.
The message it sends out is 'We the TV co. know you like these characters, so here's their own show, you'll like that, won't you; we the TV co. would rather stay with something we know you like than take a risk with something new you might not like; we the TV co. are pretty bereft of ideas, and we don't trust untested writers enough to back them, even though they have fresh original ideas; we the TV co. like to keep things among our own lot, those who already work for us; we the TV co. don't give a toss about what hundreds of good but untested amateur writers think, we're the professionals; and the rest...
So, summing up, sitcom spin offs REALLY IRRITATE!