Wednesday 24th March 2010 1:52am
14,722 posts
Quote: Tim Walker @ March 24 2010, 1:37 AM GMT
Yep, fair enough, California is in the toilet. Strange that it once was a state where everyone travelled to seek their fortune.
It's the most highly taxed state in the nation, yet it's in the worst shape of them all. Schools rank at the bottom of the list, home prices are out of reach of most citizens, businesses are fleeing and the state government can't pay its bills.
Texas has no state income tax, unemployment is way below the national average and homes are still cheap. California has blown everything on huge government and wasteful spending. Texas is not spending more than it brings in (one of only 6 states to do so last year) and 4 of the top 9 cities Forbes says are "poised for economic recovery" are in Texas.