British Comedy Guide

Bob Johnson is back!

Hi. I've just finished a short animation for the 4Laughs cheating competition. To be honest I'm not sure about this one, there's not enough jokes and It's a bit hard to understand what I'm saying. But Anyway, hope you enjoy.

Please let me know what you think? :)

Don't worry about it ShoePie, it's great. I just wish I could be bothered to do animation. Keep it up.


It's good. I ike the 'I caught the bus' business.

Interesting. Is this a stop start thing, a single cell framer or is it a computer generated image? I'm thinking of doing some live animation things.

Live animation? Is that like Wallace & Gromit style?

Yeah nice...

I'm also interested in how it was done. Did you use a computer to create each cell and the 'tweening'...?

Thanks for the comments. It was done with Moho/Animae Studio a character animation package from

Yeah the main poses are set and the package tweens the in-between frames.

liked it "gives me Roid ragE" LOL top work mate

I think there's a place for that character in a tv show, animated or real.

Have you uploaded it for the C4 animation comp, ShoePie?

Quote: Mr. Leevil @ April 28, 2007, 4:35 PM

I think there's a place for that character in a tv show, animated or real.

Thanks, Bob is the most popular character on my site and he has a whole back-story semi-developed too so hopefully one day!

Yeah I've uploaded it for the 4Laughs cheating competition.

Possible tip, I also uploaded it to and I dont know what they do different but the clips i've uploaded so far have had over 200 views each in just 24 hours. Much better initial exposure than Youtube.

It's an idea I have. Live animation is like bringing staplers etc life.

ShoePie, put it in for the animation comp too. It's a free video camera as a prize.

Like it Shoepie. Isn't that Mick Johnson from Brookside?

I don't watch Brookside Fred so don't know who Mick is. Perhaps he's Bob's scouse cousin.

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