British Comedy Guide

Vote Bussell, Ricketts and Stott for Yobi Laughs! Page 8

Oh no! Advertising Spoof Boy has been eliminated! I should have voted for him, but I was so confident he'd win that I kept giving my vote to Tormented By Tapping. Given that Yobi Laugh's voters have elected to keep Bikini Girl in the running - over the vastly superior Spoof Advertisements Boy - they'll get the winner they deserve.

Quote: Kenneth @ April 26 2010, 10:52 AM BST

Oh no! Advertising Spoof Boy has been eliminated! I should have voted for him, but I was so confident he'd win that I kept giving my vote to Tormented By Tapping. Given that Yobi Laugh's voters have elected to keep Bikini Girl in the running - over the vastly superior Spoof Advertisements Boy - they'll get the winner they deserve.

If you feel bad, how do you think the Sydney Morning Herald feels?

Vote at the signature below, pals. For Britain!

Mine's in.

Quote: Marc P @ April 26 2010, 11:05 AM BST

Mine's in.

Thanks for taking part, Mister P.

Quote: David Bussell @ April 26 2010, 10:59 AM BST

If you feel bad, how do you think the Sydney Morning Herald feels?

Everyone is feeling pretty smug at the Herald this week, as the owner of the their main rival - The Australian - is embroiled in a rugby cheating scandal.

Anyways, if you win, Mr Bussell, you get cash and two tickets to California. So do you take Ben or Stott? Or James Cotter?

Quote: Kenneth @ April 26 2010, 11:28 AM BST

Anyways, if you win, Mr Bussell, you get cash and two tickets to California. So do you take Ben or Stott?

I rather hoped they'd have some sort of greased wrestle over it.

Just a quick reminder that this is the last day of voting for this round. If you've got a spare minute please spank a vote our way. The inconvenience will be more than made up for by the crushing weight of our mutual gratitude.

Thank yous!

Just four players left in the game now. Sadly the supremely talented Granger boys have been knocked out, which means one less BCG entry in the final. Really sorry to see that, boys, we would like to have gone toe-to-toe with you for the big prize. Now let's all prove this competition has nothing to do with talent and vote Bussell, Ricketts and Stott for the win!

Unbelievable that Bikini Girl is still there.

Quote: Kenneth @ May 3 2010, 9:12 AM BST

Unbelievable that Bikini Girl is still there.

If you'd just stop voting for her...

Never yet. She should be in the Yobi Sing contest, not the laugh one. I've usually favoured Tormented By Tapping.

Voting ends in a few hours, so if you've been meaning to vote but been too busy with the chaff of modern living, now's your time to shine.

Make us proud, BCG!

Hell's potatoes, you've done it again! Just three of us left in the Yobi finals now. Sorry to see that Kenneth's favourite, Blakewill & Harris, have been eliminated this week. Great video, guys, you deserved to go further.

We now represent the last of the BCGers in the contest, so please funnel your votes our way so we can smash this bugger!

PS. As promised at the beginning of the contest, if we manage to steal the crown we'll be rewarding the kindness of one lucky BCGer. Please make sure you leave a comment on the contest vid so we can draw your name from the hat should that time come.

There you go, I went through the long boring process of resetting my password AGAIN for you.

You have cast your vote for this finalist.

Quote: EllieJP @ May 10 2010, 10:54 AM BST

There you go, I went through the long boring process of resetting my password AGAIN for you.

You have cast your vote for this finalist.

Forget everything I wrote about you in that blog; you're a fine young lady, Ellie.

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