British Comedy Guide

The Oscars In A Minute!!

Hi everyone!

First off, thankyou so much to everyone who gave our 'Avatartanic' sketch a watch a week back (there's a thread in the forum for it with the link if you wanna check it out) - we really didn't expect it to get the good reaction it did (over 4000 views in a week!) so thanks if you left a nice rating and comment, or even if you hated it and hated us (hell, it's all viewing figures at the end of the day :D)

So, on to the exciting news - our follow up sketch, about the Oscars 2010, has been taken on by the BBC Comedy department! As you can imagine I'm all kinds of excited and am generally running around making 'squeeeee' noises right now... So please please please show your support for it and we might get to make some more!

There's two ways you can help - first off, have a watch of the sketch at and give it a 5 star rating (even if you hate it) and leave a nice comment!

Second, spread the link around! We need all the views we can get so if you like it then pass it on to friends, family, enemies, people on the street, dogs, cats and asparagus.


Henry Wave

Lot's a fun and lot's a gags.

Love the piss gag.

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