British Comedy Guide

Punt and Dennis or Newman and Baddiel?

I know at the time Newman and Baddiel where the cool ones. But I don't think Punt and Dennis were as bad as some people say. Plus I think they have done some really good stuff on The Now Show.

Punt and Dennis by a country mile. Although I don't mind any of them, even Newman, who's a bit of a tit.

I like all of them!

I've been trying to work out what that thing is in front of you, and I really can't do it, so you'll have to tell me please. I don't think it's a sewing machine, is it a mangle perhaps?

Ha! It's a typewriter. :)

Newman And Baddiel, by a mile. I loved them when I was about thirteen. They were funny and cool, and in 'History Today' had one of my favourite sketches. Punt And Dennis were Ok, though when they had their own double act show on TV, I remember thinking it was a bit cack.

I wish they would relesae 'Newman And Baddiel In Pieces' on DVD.

Is this a trick question?

Neither Rob Newman nor David Baddiel would even describe themselves as comedians any more.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ February 17 2010, 8:51 AM GMT

Punt And Dennis were Ok, though when they had their own double act show on TV, I remember thinking it was a bit cack.

How old were you then matt? 10? You might have been too young to appreciate it.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ February 17 2010, 10:54 AM GMT

Neither Rob Newman nor David Baddiel would even describe themselves as comedians any more.

I probably wouldn't pick them now, no, but I preferred them back in the early nineties, when they were still a double act.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ February 17 2010, 10:54 AM GMT

You might have been too young to appreciate it.

Maybe, maybe.

Come on, how old were you in 1994... :)

Quote: Godot Taxis @ February 17 2010, 11:30 AM GMT

Come on, how old were you in 1994... :)

I was fourteen. I had pubic hair and everything.


Ah, pubic hair... how I remember it.

Punt and Dennis's single they brought out to cash in on MWE

Hmm. .

AIDS or heart disease?

Could be worse, at least Skinner's not mentioned.

I met Rob Newman briefly years ago when I worked in a Comedy club.
He wasn't performing he knew my colleague who was David Baddiels ex girlfriend
I was surprised how polite & humble he was.
But looking back he was probably the funniest of them all.
He was certainly an excellent Impressionist, and a very charismatic performer.

All four of them. It was called 'The Mary Whitehouse Experience' and it was wonderful.

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