After a break from Topical stuff I thought I'd knock one or two out. Here is one based on the treason edit sheet.
Newsreader : And now over to Westminster, to our very own Eric Morcambe throwback, Nick Robinson.
Nick : Thank you, Fiona. Just a quick point, I'll have you know I'm a very serious political reporter and have been for a good number of years.
Newsreader : Sorry Nick, over to you.
Nick : I'm here at Westminster, with the former Cabinet Minister, Clare Short – you remember her, the one with the short fat hairy legs.
Clare : Hello.
Nick : You recently gave your evidence at the Cilcott inquiry. It's been running a while, what do you think of it so far?
Clare : Well, to be fair some of it has been shambolic and lies.
Nick : Rubbish!
Clare : No, that is my view.
Nick : Miss Shat, I'm saying that you think it has been rubbish.
Clare : I think it is more complex than that, some of the evidence has been downright despicable and more judicious approach might be requisite.
Nick : Wahey! That's easy for you to say.
Clare : Mr Robinson, I'm trying to do a serious interview.
Nick : She's still got it you know.
Clare : Listen, I'm here to talk about Iraq. And the misleading of the cabinet.
Nick : Look at me when I'm talking to you!
Clare : Oh, sake f**k, mindless you c**t little.
Nick : Sorry? I think you got those words wrong.
Clare :No Nick. I'm saying all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order!