British Comedy Guide

Another BBC opp Page 4

or it turns ot he killed his wife when he found out she had a lesbian affair?

Quote: sootyj @ March 18 2010, 7:06 AM GMT

or it turns ot he killed his wife when he found out she had a lesbian affair?

You say "Wife having a lesbian affair" as if that is a bad thing?

Well I didn't name it "off_his dyke"

They emailed me initially saying thanks, we'll be in touch, but I've not heard anything since February. I guess they must have found some of my stuff and decided not to bother. Shame really as I wrote a reasonable joke about a leek once.

Maybe if you'd ponyed up a gag about mining, rather than springing for a leak.

You wouldn't have sunk.

Well I gave this a go. I submitted 9 jokes in total although they were more like small paragraphs on a particular news story so I suppose there was more than one joke for each. I sent three separate e-mails on three separate days so that I could do jokes about news stories from that particular day. I received an automated reply after sending my first e-mail but got nothing back after my other two. Perhaps they set up the auto reply so that you only get it for the first e-mail you send, hopefully my other two didn't end up in their spam box. I listened to the show that they put the link up for so I had a feel for their style, I noticed that there was no strong language so I avoided this and also I didn't make fun of anything that was too serious. I tried to pick all Welsh news stories but chose at least one that was UK news but reported on a Welsh news site. It seems like a really good opportunity so I'll sit patiently with my fingers crossed until the 25th.

Today is the day.....anyone heard anything???

Nope nada.

Here's hoping they've fallen behind schedule although that's probably wishful thinking. I was pretty hopeful to be honest I mean I even have a Welsh first name! Maybe they called my number and heard my English accent on the voicemail. Damn it I should have just done a Mark Watson.

>Here's hoping they've fallen behind schedule .

I'm also wanting to assume this is the case. (And also wishing I'd made it clear I'd happily change my first name to something more welsh sounding.)

Anyone want to step forward and spoil our dreams?

What? you mean they have a huge slush pile to wade through so we may still hear something? I have to say I am losing heart, I even tried learning welsh to tell a few jokes.
I.E Brian May (Queen guitarist) has condemned the welsh assemblys decision to cull badgers in Pembrokeshire.
Thats so Broch and roll.


I'm sure they are still just wiping the laughter tears from their eyes and will get back to us all soon.
Or my names not Stevelanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

Sunshine doesn't sound welsh at all. :P

And guys... guys. Stop fretting. I'm sure they'll be in touch soon. :)

Hi guys.

I did receive an e-mail last night, but they still may not have contacted everyone yet. They said they had 150+ submissions and whittled it down to 14 - so no shame if you didn't make it.

Good luck all!

Quote: ddaann @ March 26 2010, 9:14 PM GMT

Hi guys.

I did receive an e-mail last night, but they still may not have contacted everyone yet. They said they had 150+ submissions and whittled it down to 14 - so no shame if you didn't make it.

Good luck all!

What exactly did your email say???
How do you know they haven't contacted everyone yet?
Why do they just want a limited team and not open submissions if they are paying per gag?

Hey, congrats ddaann; that's some impressive odds beating! Good luck for the series, make sure you post when your stuff gets on the air.

>Why do they just want a limited team and not open submissions if they are paying per gag?

I'd guess going through 150+ submissions every week would just take up to much time to be worthwhile. That and paying a few writers small change for several jokes is likely a lot less fuss then giving many writers one small payment each.

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