British Comedy Guide

Love Works - entry for Reed Workplace competition Page 4

I liked that!

It zipped along at a good pace and I agree with whoever said the end image of the empty cinema was a nice one.

Having made a few YouTube videos myself for nowt I thought it looked really good. I also liked the music (something which I need to incorporate more into my clippettes).

I might well ruddy subscribe now!

Erm...can you subscribe back please?

Quote: Jane P @ January 30 2010, 3:06 PM GMT

Ditto. :)

What sort of budgets have you worked with Dolly? We could have done this cheaper without the food but as it was split between the five of us 'producing' it seemed OK. We were lucky with the venue.


I think the 'big' shorts I wrote had a budget of between £500 - £1000, but I wasn't involved in the actual filming - just wrote the script and left it up to the director.

I would like to actually direct (but have a cinematographer) a couple of very short scripts I have.

Sorry for slow reply - busy scribbling away. :)

Thanks Greensville - yes I'll subscribe to yours (although I'm not quite sure what happens when you do that as I've only just 'joined'!) Which of your vids do you recommend to start with?

This film wasn't posted on my account so I'm not sure what may or may not appear in future! I'll let you know what we do next though.


Quote: Dolly Dagger @ January 31 2010, 4:59 PM GMT

I think the 'big' shorts I wrote had a budget of between £500 - £1000, but I wasn't involved in the actual filming - just wrote the script and left it up to the director.

I would like to actually direct (but have a cinematographer) a couple of very short scripts I have.

That's a fair budget! Hope your projects are going well at the mo.

Obviously there are all kinds of ways to make film - but the more I get involved the more fun/scary I think directing must be - it's interesting seeing the whole process too from original ideas to pre production to the shoot and edit.

I look forward to seeing more of your work DD and hope you get to direct - I think you'll be fab.



I liked it and as others have said it has a very sweet tone, especially the finale. Nice use of music. The intro was very well done. Personally I found the mid-interview zooming back and forth a bit irritating with the guy though it worked when you switched to the girl. Got any popcorn left?

Quote: Badge @ February 3 2010, 10:48 PM GMT

I liked it and as others have said it has a very sweet tone, especially the finale. Nice use of music. The intro was very well done. Personally I found the mid-interview zooming back and forth a bit irritating with the guy though it worked when you switched to the girl. Got any popcorn left?

Thanks Badge :) Mike bought a huge bag of corn to pop so it's probably still going. Interesting pop corn fact for you - I won't say which cinema chain it was but a member our team worked for one and said he discovered that there's the same amount of popcorn in both the medium and large boxes - they're just a different shape! What a swizz at £19.99 or whatever they cost nowadays!


Quote: bushbaby @ January 30 2010, 12:12 PM GMT

I decided to watch it without the sound [I can't get sound it's 'broken'] and whilst the camera work is good on the whole, I found the zooming in/out annoying.
I don't know though if that's acceptable these days or a new type of filming style because of video cameras.
In a professional film, the same scene is filmed full length then done again waist up then a third time close
It's then edited and the best shots from each scene are put together for the film. So there'd be no zooms, just a 'cut' from a full length shot to a close up, for instance.

There is also the dolly option, where the camera is mounted on rails and moved in or out on the subject. This is the traditional way of getting closer without cutting to a close up. This works better visually and appears more natural because that is how we look at things. Hitchcock and Speilberg sometimes dolly in and zoom out for the same shot to mess with your head. Obviously using a dolly takes ages and requires specialist equipment and is beyond the scope of Jane's project.

I thought the acting was not bad and a lot of the camera work was fine but was confused by the guy who ended up on the date as I wasn't sure he was interested. A hell of a lot to achieve in a night though so very well done for getting something of that quality.

Quote: Jane P @ February 3 2010, 10:54 PM GMT

What a swizz at £19.99 or whatever they cost nowadays!

This just made me really Laughing out loud

Quote: steve by any other name @ February 4 2010, 8:51 AM GMT

There is also the dolly option,


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