Once again, another valiant effort from Der Cotterhausen.
Couple o' tings -
Sort out your radio mic. I know you have them because in the interview clip, your mate with 'the hair' is moving around and rubbing against it. Your camera man should be wearing headphones and letting you know about the sound levels.
Torquay, great backdrop but try and choose areas of the town which have some sort of correlation with Peter Cook - such as 'he was born in this house' and 'went to this school' or find an art gallery to mirror the Pete and Dud sketch, etc. Just sitting next to a busy road or wandering the beach seems kind of pointless. Also, start with an establishing shot or general view of Torquay, so the viewer knows exactly where you are, then you can cut into your talky stuff.
Big jump from Peter Cook being born to starting college. If he grew up in Torquay, then we need to hear about him growing up in Torquay. Otherwise the whole point of the doco is useless and it comes across as he was born here, thought it was shit and then f**ked off to college.
I did like the cutaways to the photographs and I think you have approached the Peter Cook angle in a good way by using Torquay. There are a number of documentaries about Peter Cook, so you need to come up with a unique selling point for yours and that must be 'How did Torquay shape Peter Cook's humour?', what is it about Torquay that played such a pivitol role in Cook's life?
Finally, your presenting style on this one is a bit mealy mouthed. I know that like a true follower, you only wish to talk about Peter Cook in hushed, reverend tones but it comes across as being weak, arse licky and dull. Where did all that Cotter energy go? Show enthusiasm and passion for the subject and the audience will go with you.
I can't wait to see it on Thursday on BBC 2.