British Comedy Guide

Scott Evans returns

Hello all, I don't know if anyone will remember me but I use to be on the forum quite alot about a year ago, in fact me and a few writers on here put together the WTF sketch show.

Well I've been extremely busy with work, band, new baby, and all these things have kept me away but I haven't stopped writing an dhave been working on a new book. I won't upload it here because its too big, but if you want to read and critique, you can find it here:

The book is called Memoirs of a bar steward and it follows an eighteen year old called Jacob Hank Cox as he struggles to make his family's new business a success - and himself a millionaire - so that he can escape them all forever. Jacob and his family have moved to Torquay because his mother is tired of cracking skulls and running the most ruthless gang in the West Midlands. However, how has his father, forever in debt, managed to find the thousands of pounds for the new business?

So far I've written over 50,000 words, but there is still a lot to write yet.

What up man. Good to see you again.

Hows your brother? he well?

Anyways you gonna be frequenting the boards more often or this a flying visit?

Well I'm doing alot of work for one design studio now, so I don't have to spend every day working and every night sourcing work, so now I can get back to the writing. Before my son was born in July I was writing a new chapter every week, but when the babby was born I stopped and I did one or two after but haven't really picked up the momentom since. However, work is more settled now so I aim to get back into it.

Hows you, and everyone, anyone had any luck with their writing?

Hey there, Scott! Wave Wondered where you were.

Good to see you back.


Of all the things I do, the designs, the drumming, writing is what I love best and so hopefully I will be back more often now.

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