British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 916

:( 3 of my posts have resulted in 'Sorry try later'?

Quote: dellas @ April 7 2012, 5:09 AM BST

:( 3 of my posts have resulted in 'Sorry try later'?

It meant try at a more reasonable hour. The website was asleep at 5am! ;)

:) I am famous for 'late night' posting!

That advert. I think it may be more irritating than the Go Compare one.

Quote: Ben @ April 7 2012, 7:51 PM BST

That advert. I think it may be more irritating than the Go Compare one.

I haven't seen it but it couldn't possibly be. Could it?

Selling stuff on E Bay!

Ebay charge you a price to advertise your stuff.
Then they take a big percentage of the price you sold it for.
Sothat's two bites of your cherry they are getting

Then bugger me, paypal take a percentage cut of whats left as well.

There are similar websites that don't charge, but sadly not many people use them, so you're less likely to sell your stuff. :(

When selling through PayPal ask the buyer to send the money as a gift. They don't charge any interest on it then. :)

Quote: zooo @ April 8 2012, 3:06 PM BST

There are similar websites that don't charge, but sadly not many people use them, so you're less likely to sell your stuff. :(

Craigslist is good if you don't mind wading through the scams and meeting strangers who are often strange.

Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ April 8 2012, 3:04 PM BST

Selling stuff on E Bay!

Ebay charge you a price to advertise your stuff.
Then they take a big percentage of the price you sold it for.
Sothat's two bites of your cherry they are getting

Then bugger me, paypal take a percentage cut of whats left as well.

From time to time eBay does weekends with no post-up charges.

:) This Easter is a nil cost posting time on EBay.

Getting informed by someone only a little over two years younger than me that as I will soon be 25 I am nearly past it. Aparently I will then have to start acting like a proper grown up.

I think they were joking....might not understand what the teenagers on the bus are talking about but that doesn't mean I have to start acting like a proper grown up does it?

I think we are required to go through an existential age crisis every 5 years, from age 20 onwards.
But no, I wouldn't start acting like a grown up or anything. No need for such desperate measures!

Does anyone ever really grow up? I have seen very lttle evidence of it.

Maybe only the people who act 40ish from birth.

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