British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 85

think outside the box...but as long as it's something that exactly the same as we're thinking rubbish really.

Quote: ian_w @ February 9, 2008, 3:11 PM

So what would you do if you had one chance to go back?

I think I'd choose quantum mechanics, or maybe medicine.


Film, or screenwriting, or creative writing, or fine art. Or.... there must be a degree on Doctor Who by now. :)

Quote: Gavin @ February 9, 2008, 3:17 PM

think outside the box...but as long as it's something that exactly the same as we're thinking rubbish really.


There is but not just in "Tennant" Doctor :P

Quote: zooo @ February 9, 2008, 3:19 PM


Film, or screenwriting, or creative writing, or fine art. Or.... there must be a degree on Doctor Who by now. :)

Laughing out loud

I wouldn't be surprised! I wonder if that David Beckham degree still exists?

Face book rated me as being Borderline Mental Retardation

Quote: Gavin @ February 9, 2008, 3:21 PM

There is but not just in "Tennant" Doctor :P


Quote: ajp29 @ February 9, 2008, 2:22 PM

I don't get people who read books, see movies, look at art and then bang on about the meaning of them as if thats what the creator intended. Its like a mini religion, everyones got a bloody opinion but all the guy who made it wanted to do was paint a pretty picture.


Quote: ajp29 @ February 9, 2008, 2:30 PM

If only we could harness the power of our common sense. We could take on Aaron socialism. :P

Me toos.

Like that woman who painted flowers. Everyone says they all represent lady bits. But she said they don't.

She painted 'em for f**k's sake!

Quote: zooo @ February 9, 2008, 2:53 PM

I did English Lit (minor) at uni. It was fantastic.
Poncey but wonderful. I like (what most people think of as) poncey!

Oo er, what is it that they think of as poncey that you like?

Quote: ian_w @ February 9, 2008, 3:15 PM

The radical feminists (and there were lots) were the biggest nightmare on my course.
I once got ripped to bits and talked to like a piece of shit because I read and interpreted an Emily Dickenson poem as something other than women's suffering (it was about a beach or something!!).
The lecturer sat and let it happen as well.

And you take notice of people like that? :(

Well. Here's a poem by Shelley. Go and sit in a darkened dusty library for days on end reading poems and wearing scarves and immersing yourself in his difficult childhood, his tragic life and his penchant for Byron.


Quote: zooo @ February 9, 2008, 3:41 PM

Me toos.

Like that woman who painted flowers. Everyone says they all represent lady bits. But she said they don't.

She painted 'em for f**k's sake!

In the film Now, Voyager (1942), the main character is pretty much kept locked in the house by her domineering mother. She carves wooden boxes as a hobby. According to one of the lecturers on my girlfriend's course (don't go the the University of Westminster), this represents female masturbation.


(Pun not intended.)

Quote: zooo @ February 9, 2008, 3:03 PM

Ooooh. I salivate.

I think we have to choose what to study at uni too young.

I totally agree-Ive only just pulled my finger out and started looking properly

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ February 9, 2008, 3:50 PM

I totally agree-Ive only just pulled my finger out


You just gave Adam the horn.

I used to send off for uni prospectuses every year from the age of 14. I was a bit too keen.

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