British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 719

Aww! Looks fun.
I love villages/little towns with mental names.

Quote: zooo @ July 7 2011, 2:19 PM BST

I love villages/little towns with mental names.



Is that similar to a kidney stone?

I read that as "Please Tread Carefully". Errr

In Bromley
In Coitus-On-Sea

Quote: roscoff @ July 7 2011, 1:39 PM BST

BBC announcers who can't pronounce Welsh place names. Traffic reporters being the worst. For instance I know that Leominster is pronounced 'Lemster' and Mousehole is 'Mowsul' so why can't the Beeb take some time to educate their announcers. The Rhondda being pronounced 'Ronda' and Gilwern (said as read) pronounced 'Gilwun' is unacceptable. I do accept some are very difficult but this is the BBC so standards should be set.

Lemster? Who says? You're just a taff!

And anyway not enough interesting things happen in wales to make it worth educating them. They'll only have to say it once.

One of my pet hates is people who insist on using the 'local' pronounciation of place names. It's not Pra-ha, it's Prague. Ditto Paree, Munchin, Barthelona, etc.

Quote: AngieBaby @ July 7 2011, 10:28 PM BST

One of my pet hates is people who insist on using the 'local' pronounciation of place names. It's not Pra-ha, it's Prague. Ditto Paree, Munchin, Barthelona, etc.

Cos we're English and we know better than those pesky foreigners.

My stupid brain. I can't come up with enough ideas. Turning ideas into something is the easy part, I just can't come up with good concepts. I don't want to end up being a hack talking about rookie subjects, and I have a real fear I'm not going to be able to do anything even approaching original.

Maybe if I'd seen some of your stand up I could offer some suggestions...

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 7 2011, 10:58 PM BST

My stupid brain. I can't come up with enough ideas. Turning ideas into something is the easy part, I just can't come up with good concepts. I don't want to end up being a hack talking about rookie subjects, and I have a real fear I'm not going to be able to do anything even approaching original.

What do you talk about now? And do you want to say anything with your stuff, or just be amusing for x minutes?

I don't know ! *flounce*

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 7 2011, 10:58 PM BST

My stupid brain. I can't come up with enough ideas. Turning ideas into something is the easy part, I just can't come up with good concepts. I don't want to end up being a hack talking about rookie subjects, and I have a real fear I'm not going to be able to do anything even approaching original.

Well getting back into writing standup for myself for the first time in ages.

My big idea is stick with things you are passionate about. There are no rookie subjects if you're opinions are you're own.

Have you ever done stuff on sexist comics, cats or art? Because they seem to be things you post on a lot. What makes you passionate about them?

Also idea generators

1 Read a newspaper you wouldn't usually cover to cover
2 Press the random button Wiki and work up material from what ever comes up (Griff showed me that one)
3 Use the "rookie subject" to explore something else. I dunno maybe
my cats view on government spending cuts

or my liking for cake as an anology for why it's hard to find a job.

These bloody meercat adverts are driving me nuts. If I hear one more person say 'Simples' I will KILL!

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