British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 709

Quote: Gavin @ June 23 2011, 1:56 PM BST

Should of stuck to XP.

Should of? Aren't you a professional writer?

Yeah, Gav! It's "Should'a!"

Quote: Vader @ June 23 2011, 5:56 PM BST

Should of? Aren't you a professional writer?

What do you want blood?

Quote: Leevil @ June 23 2011, 5:24 PM BST

Is that a Mackintosh? I tried iATKOs v1 (spelling?) a while ago and it seemed quite good. Although I go on the websites now and it does confuse me a bit. Is it as straight forward as it used to be?

It took a little futzing about but I made it work. I think I used MultiBeast:

What pissed me off today was the new log-in system for HSBC's online banking. Some people here will have seen me spouting off about it on Facebook but to recap...

The new HSBC security pin process for online banking requires a degree in advanced electronics and membership of MI5. While the little calculator thing [they sent in the post] is cute, it's merely something else I'm likely to lose when I need it most.

The log-in system now uses a 2 letter and an 8 figure password followed by 6 figure security number which you have pick 2 numbers from. From there you are asked at least one security question before you input another code into the calculator thingy which provides a unique seven digit code to input on the website.

Only then do you get to view your online accounts. It's very secure I grant you but a right royal pain in the arse.

Quote: DaButt @ June 23 2011, 7:51 PM BST

It took a little futzing about but I made it work. I think I used MultiBeast:

Cool, will check it out later.

The f**king twat who keeps going up and down the road on his bastarding bike!

Marc P

miserable shit!


The moth in this room. I want to catch it and put it outside but I know if I try I'll accidentally destroy it's gay wings and then have to kill it for fear of leaving it crippled and at the mercy of ants and spiders.

Laughing out loud

I too have a moth problem.

And me

I just stuck a glass over it

then when it quit spazzing about inside I wizzed it out the window


Quote: lofthouse @ June 26 2011, 11:34 PM BST

then when it quit spazzing about inside I wizzed it out the window

That's a good aim.

Years of practise

I'm lucky if I get it in the bowl.

...Those bloody moneys from the Jammy Dodgers Adverts.

Thats right both of them- I care not if they represent Jammy or Toffee- they can both rot in monkey puppet hell for all I care.

I have several problems with this thing-

a) Why isn't the lobotomised woman more concerned that there are monkeys running around Sainsburys .
b) What supermarket in their right mind stocks that many Jammy dodgers?
c) If this is an advertisement for how good your product is then it fails because theres bloody millions of them left on the shelves so clearly NO ONE IS BUYING THEM!

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