I'll tell you what p*sses me off.... being stuck on a business trip with a f*cking smart-arse! She knows everything, about eveything, and never misses an opportunity to spout out useless facts. I am so close to telling her f*ck off.
Topics include: her dogs, her husband, history, current events, politics,her dogs, animal cruelty, dog breeding, hunting,her dogs, vegetarians, planes, military strategy,her dogs, horror movies, her childhood, every 'celebrity' she's ever met, every bone she's ever broken, her dogs, her dogs, her dogs!
I probablly wouldn't mind so much if she didn't begin every sentence with 'You do realise...' or 'Obviously...'
But when she ends every sentence with 'Didn't you know that?' or 'You've never heard that?' I want to slap her smug face so badly.
We're here for another 5 days, do I tell her how much she bugs me, or do I just grin and bear it?
She's so hypersensitive and attention seeking that if I did mention it, I know she would cry and be upset for days.
But I just don't know how much longer I can smile through gritted teeth.