British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 460

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ July 20 2009, 3:24 PM BST


You're one of the few decent young people, Scatters! ;)

:D Hoorah!

I don't think you ever need to worry about being included in the majority of irritating teenagers, Scats.

I am just irritating anyway, but thank you very much, both of you. :$

It would be irritating, if you wasn't irritating. Pobody's Nerfect.


Well, had a whole evening with my sister and brother in law, and this is for you Lee. I lost count at 35 gay references with my brother in law. My husband made the comment that he seemed more gay than usual. We were riding on my parents ATVs (I come from country folk) and he was riding the childsize one that was mine as a kid. If I can, I'll post a photo in the photo gallery. Oh, what am I pissed off about? That I didn't bring my notebook with me, because he was expounding comedy gold.

Laughing out loud

35?! How many of them were show tunes? Was it a small, pink ATV? I bet he enjoyed that up his bottom.

Pics, please! :D

The atv was small and red. No show tunes surprisingly, but he was talking a lot about music. If I can get a decent pic I'll post it.

Maybe some photos of your face, as you react to his comments? Rolling eyes

I'd like to be a fly on the wall there. Pleased

Maybe I can talk them into doing some world travel around the time of
the get together in September. That way I would be able to go too and we'd have cheap entertainment for the evening...

:D It's OK. We'll have one flamboyant gay already, if Nil's going.

You can come though :)


I'm actually seriously considering finding a way to be there for it.

Excellent. Me too!

*hooks up web cam network*

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