British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 363

Quote: Aaron @ December 20 2008, 11:44 AM GMT

Nil, is that the woman who plays loud music from stupid early?

It is indeed. I'll get the bitch back tonight.

*blasts back AC/DC among others*


In my first ever place at uni we had these guys living upstairs who would play music all the time. One night they came home drunk and went too far, blasting their music, leaping on the stairs, and reving their mini van engine outside one of our bedroom windows so we waited til it was quite then we each took a hardcore metal CD from one of the girls and played it, switched on the electric guitar full blast and banged on the ceiling with brooms. When they came down to complain, we filled a washing up bowl with water, quickly opened the door and lobbed it at them, shutting it again.

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Quote: Nil Putters @ December 20 2008, 11:57 AM GMT

It is indeed. I'll get the bitch back tonight.

*blasts back AC/DC among others*


Cannibal Corpse - I Will Kill You




My cooking.

Whats wrong with your cooking Jude?

Everything looks good until it lands on the plate.

As long as it tastes good, who gives a flip?

TTPYO: Boredom.

Sloooooooooow day, rubbish.

I'm sure that there's something on TV you could watch.

Quote: PhQnix @ December 23 2008, 2:53 PM GMT

TTPYO: Boredom.

Boredom's great. If nothing else it's proof that you lead a safe and comfortable life.

Quote: PhQnix @ December 23 2008, 2:53 PM GMT

TTPYO: Boredom.

Sloooooooooow day, rubbish.

Why not watch my Christmas animation and tell me what you think that'll help with boredom ;).

Shameless plug.

He wants help allieviating it, not compounding it.

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