British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 356

Ohhh dear!

I may have caught Chapman disease. Not only does it produce bad puns but includes a nasty rash on the penis as well.

I'm sure the bear fur doesn't help.

The post office, especially my local postal service is really peeing me off. They are slower than a snail with a zimmerframe, kept claiming my address didn't exist for over a year, and keep striking! At first I supported the strikes but now they strike if they get tesco value teabags instead of PG tips during their tea break and worst of all, they are threatening to strike during Christmas.

Lazy commie f**kers. *shakes fist*

TTPYO - Rain, and bad emo cover versions of Christmas songs. :(

The Status Quo Christmas song. It's like the musical version of colouring by numbers.

When Quo are good they're very very good - ie Down the Dustpipe, Matchstick Men, Gerdundula etc etc - but when they're bad they are..........

(Fill in the gap Ross)

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ December 13 2008, 4:47 PM GMT

bad emo cover versions of Christmas songs. :(

Or just emo songs in general.

Ice in the Sun, Green Tambourine & Matchstick Men are my faves.

Quote: Ned1984 @ December 13 2008, 5:40 PM GMT

Or just emo songs in general.

They're irritating, but I wouldn't say that they pissed me off.

People who text to ask you who you are going to vote for in X Factor, who then call you a weirdo when you tell them you are watching Dad's Army.

Quote: Ned1984 @ December 13 2008, 6:52 PM GMT

People who text to ask you who you are going to vote for in X Factor, who then call you a weirdo when you tell them you are watching Dad's Army.

:O I love Dad's Army!
Reality TV is shit. Tell the world!
*puts on a cardboard sign, grabs a soap box and walks outside*

Quote: Curt @ December 13 2008, 6:55 PM GMT

:O I love Dad's Army!
Reality TV is shit. Tell the world!
*puts on a cardboard sign, grabs a soap box and walks outside*

They won't listen, I've tried.

TTPYO. My house is full of f**king people.

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