Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 1:19 AMWell after that story i'm sure you can see why. I couldn't stop crying! You "hurt" me!
I feel a domestic coming on, can you throw a vase from Australia to England?
Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 1:19 AMWell after that story i'm sure you can see why. I couldn't stop crying! You "hurt" me!
I feel a domestic coming on, can you throw a vase from Australia to England?
well ajp29, I'd love to try and help you with a witty, yet 'boggleingley'(that spelling gotta be wrong!) still un-thought of signature.. what's your fav. time of day?.. and I will start the sig off with that.
mmm I would have to say nightime
I'ts nightime... good eh? you should be ok taking it by the scruff, from here... careful...now.
is 'nightime' an official term, 'I was proceding at speed to the fire,that fateful nightime' doesn't really scan, can you be a bit less vague.
Quote: EllieJP @ June 25, 2007, 11:39 PMThings that piss me off...when i try to get on the forums and it says they are disabled.... grrrrrr
Har de har de har harrrr!
Quote: Gavin @ June 25, 2007, 11:54 PMAfternoons and Coffeespoons is the Theme tune to my sitcom Love that song.
And TS Elliot...
Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ June 25, 2007, 11:59 PMHmmm... chocolate, oranges, cheese... they can all cause headaches/migraines in some people.
In your case I'm guessing the small amounts of caffeine* (or theobromine) in the chocolate are actually causing the opposite. Caffeine** can actually help cure a headache - unless you take too much and then you get a re-bound effect - by causing the blood vessels in your head to constrict, thereby easing pain.
Ooh, look at the brainbox!
I drink Coke and take Ibuprofen for headaches (or chocolate if I have any, as stated). Coke was originally invented as a headache cure, and I find it works. Perhaps that's the caffeine.
Quote: Gavin @ June 26, 2007, 12:07 AMEllie you should sell your cure to NHS
She'd be one very busy - and very sore - lady.
Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 12:39 AMI'm not Willy Wonka!!
No, but your 'cure' might make them.
Quote: Gavin @ June 26, 2007, 12:51 AMI just had a image of going into willy wonkas factory dressed as a cowboy...
What, like Mike TV or summink?
Quote: ajp29 @ June 26, 2007, 1:00 AMI want a drug that gets them up for it and I mean girlfriends not random women.
It's called "having a huge knob". But keep it hidden from view most of the time. Then it's that much more of a surprise.
Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 1:03 AMI got complaints for having too high a sex drive!
Like, humping Tarmac?
Quote: EllieJP @ June 26, 2007, 1:08 AMHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
monkey's mum's monkey plums HAHAHAHA!!
She's demented. Call the doctors.
Quote: Leevil @ June 26, 2007, 1:16 AMOh my god! I was about to err "enter" when she suddenly started to piss buckets, she then sat up and started to cry and as I was putting my coat on
she started throwing up.
She then started to cry again and go on about a dead cat?
Still did her
What a charming young man you are.
Something else that pisses me off:
People that bitch and complain about public transport, but aren't prepared to pay more, and want their taxes to go to feeding Africa.
Oh, and chuggers.
Things that piss me off.
People who stare and stare for ages at your wang when your at he urinals and when you take a glimpse of theirs they say something like "ow take a picture it last longer" i can't believe he got angry when i got my Kodak out, long knobed bastard.
I'm glad I'm not a man.
Me too. Oh, wait...
I couldnt be a woman thats for sure I like stomping on the beach making big foot prints and pretending I'm King Kong jumping on sand castles beating my Chest like a buffoon. Being a man is fun!!!
I couldnt be a woman thats for sure I like stomping on the beach making big foot prints and pretending I'm King Kong jumping on sand castles beating my Chest like a buffoon. Being a man is fun!!!
I do that anyway. Hehe
My arse is pissing me off. I really want to be up doing stuff. There is ironing, washing, all sorts of interesting things to be doing but alas!(MAYBE THAT SHOULD HAVE 2 L'S). It wont let me.
That building in London that looks like a giant vibrator. That pisses me off. How many other buildings do we know that look like male or female naughty parts?
Where is that building WJFK. I suddenly fancy a climb.
Hangovers piss me off...oh and girls who get emotional after a couple of drinks and then proceed to snot all over your nice top!