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Things that piss you off Page 1,783

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It doesn't matter how many times you recommend videos by The B52's - I ain't gonna f**kin watch 'em

There is a most intriguing discrepancy between how the B-52s perceive themselves and how I perceive them. They perceive themselves as whacky, knockabout, fun-loving pranksters who bring the party to life, whereas I perceive them as c**ts.

But someone on here loves them. I think it's Chappers. He loves Kate nude. I remember "Roam" as a warm up song for other people and I like it a lot. It has got the female nudity vibe while totally revealing itself like a come on for 45 minutes of the Inspiral Carpets (and to be frank, I thought the price of the ticket demanded an hour and a half but, hey, they were good or good enough). Blair Raynes from me old school was astonished to see me there, what with his bullying having been designed to turn me into a scared moron. I could sense it from the back of my pineal gland when actually he wasn't in the people behind me but bald, a BNP voter and running a golf course. Permanently miserable, of course, since four.

And it ain't quite the moshpit thing is it, the Inspirals or the B52s, when you want to do a mosh just because, when you do, you know that this is the point when there is no way of going into work the following morning. Because you are "ill". Mostly we semi did it - mosh - but it required more hyped up energy than anything from America or just outta Salford, notwithstanding that Col was from Hulme and when we met at West Ham he introduced me to the father of the only woman who had let him cum on her face. My mother never did take to his leather briefs leaking into her sofa. Daft cow.

Anyhow, proper moshing was the Pogues. Obviously Thatcher and Blair and who was that anonymous c**t between them? :I don't recall as the slapper below my flat spent so much time with her legs apart and panting . They sort of suggested we mainly had to go in which we then did on nine pints and had to deal with nerd pre coronavirus deathwatch scientists. Looking back, no wonder I was in and out with the fantasist Dearlove. He didn't reveal then that he hated China. Plus I guess he is of the age to lose erections. Also, he might believe that living is ripping the yellow skinned off.

And the police.

Bloody hell, ain't they always there rather than dealing with drug addicts who are likely to send knives through thier gullets from Hackney tower blocks, having been told to by their supposedly kind hearted freedom cultures. I suppose I should have been happy that they didn't always ban me from those all-important secret meetings, having made my way back from North London with my shorts around my ankles. Yeah. That's the more girly members of the Tom Tom Club sucking on my penis without a self-protective mask, most of whom were probably actually women although the bloody ticket inspectors got in the way as they do. It seems a bit blase now but to us on the 68 bus it was normal. We just "Roamed".

(The lovely) Roam:

Apart from my Nan, and to a lesser extent my Mum, although it worked wonderfully until the last five years, Carmita was my angel. I adored her for her kindness towards me. I won't go into the detail but she completely shaped me long after she was gone from my life (7-8). But these days I am sickened by what those of her colour and almost every white does in culture and elsewhere. What really pisses me off, irrespective of background, is that those of this century kill what she represented to me. Her old man who is shown here was also nice . A diplomat in the Jamaican High Commission. When it comes to current black culture, promoted by whites, my fantasy is that Carmita and David get out guns and kill them all. It really doesn't matter to me what the colour of the skin is. I want those greedy amoralists dead as soon as possible. And while Trump, embarrassing, is not a shining light, I''d still vote for him. The violent corporate sewer must be drained.

Latest FB meme, 'Simon says, Think of a place that makes you happy!!!' I wrote, 'Anywhere as long as Simon isn't f**king there.' F**king hate that c**t.

All these Original Comedy shows on Dave

They are all just an excuse to crow bar the cream of Britain's Z list mediocre 'comedians' Into any old crap

The only one I want to see next is The Joshpit

Where each week Josh Widdecombe is thrown head first into the mosh pit of a death metal concert and is half trampled to death under a hundred Doc Marten boots

I can't decide whether some shows on Dave are racist or non-racist.
Trigger tribute on a crap TV network. Watch yer, Dave.

It's named Dave , after Dave Lister ...?

Here's an idea for Taskmaster contestants


I'll tell you what pisses me off: road tax or, to give it its correct name, vehicle excise duty.

It wouldn't be so bad if everybody paid the same amount to tax their cars but the fact is that a great many people are driving diesel cars and paying next door to nothing at all for road tax while others are driving petrol cars with similar-sized engines and paying over £200 per annum.

It shouldn't be allowed. :(

Confident people. I hate their guts.

If you think we live in a sincere world, check people's FB comments when some ugly f**ker including myself changes its profile pic and manages to look even less wankworthy than before... AWESOME! You look FAB darling! Loves yer babes!!!

Mike ! AWESOME! You look FAB darling! Loves yer babes!!!

Thank you. I'd f**k me.

It must be nice to be in love.The one person I really hate is me.

Melanie C doesn't know what she's missing.

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