Just discovered that the reason my dentist didn't remind of an appointment (for one that had been made last summer) is that they do not ring land lines anymore, only mobile phones, which yet again pisses me off because yes, I do have a mobile (£30 Pay as you Go from Tesco with £10 of free calls), but only for when it is convenient for me to use - not everyone is obsessed with mobiles phones and a lot of people do not have them at all!
I have even found a web site I had to register onto that would not let me proceed with unless I quoted a mobile number and would not accept a land line, so I had no option but to make one up - I don't want my mobile phone number given to every f**king Tom, Dick and Harry who will then try and sell me all sorts of shit.
I also have to smile or not, when Virgin rings me up to wonder why I do not have a mobile phone with them and the person at the other end of the line thinks I am insane not having one clamped to my ear all the time............
"Hi Deirdre, yes I am now coming up your garden path to your front door" Get a f**king life people!! Wait, and speak to your friends/relatives face to face.
And as for iPhones, well don't get me started on the aimless twats that wander the streets texting or surfing when they should be looking where they are f**king going!