Quote: sootyj @ 6th April 2014, 10:43 PM BSTI thought Paul was the first head of the church

Quote: sootyj @ 6th April 2014, 10:43 PM BSTI thought Paul was the first head of the church
The Bible says: Matthew 6:6 "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "
I think the point is your not supposed be all "Hey look at me everybody!! Im praying !! Yeah I'm awesome and I'm goin to heaven! Cooey!! Look at meeeee!!"
Quote: lofthouse @ 6th April 2014, 10:46 PM BSTThe Bible says: Matthew 6:6 "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. "
I think the point is your not supposed be all "Hey look at me everybody!! Im praying !! Yeah I'm awesome and I'm goin to heaven! Cooey!! Look at meeeee!!"
Like those flipping mormon street shouters.
Quote: zooo @ 6th April 2014, 10:46 PM BSTLike those flipping mormon street shouters.
Matthew 6: 5. And whenever you pray you should not be like the hypocrites that love to stand in the assemblies and on the corners of the marketplaces to pray that they be visible to the sons of men. And truly I say to you that they have received their reward. 6. But when you pray enter your inner room and close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret and your Father who sees in secret He will reward you in open. 7. And when you pray, you should not be chatterers like the pagans, for they hope that by many words they will be heard. ...
Aw, you are like our own Dot Cotton.
TTPYO - my Left Wing mates on Facebook demonstrating a lack of short term memory by constantly putting up messages about Maria Miller fiddling her expenses.
After the last expenses scandal, six Labour MPs were convicted or pleaded guilty to fraud. So it's a bit rich for Labour supporters to glory in the corruption of Maria Miller.
I Googled scruffy mormons and got a rude picture.
Quote: Stylee TingTing @ 6th April 2014, 11:04 PM BST*not a gag*
In Southampton shopping precinct is often a group of unkempt middle-aged males, dressed in shirts and ties, overcoats and trilbies, (think scruffy and dirty Harry Worth) who huddle quietly together, only to suddenly explode with shouts of 'something something Jesus something' whilst waving aloft a paper pamphlet of some description, in their right hands. I've been seeing them since 1995, but have never had the temerity to approach them to find out who they actually are. I've never seen them talking to any passer-by. All locals seem to ignore them.
They're not clean enough to be Mormons, JWs or Scientologists. Anyone have any idea who they might be?
Does anyone else see them Stylee?
That whole thing about expenses just depresses me as the most endlessly, circular argument.
MPs salaries and expenses as they're written are inadequate for the jobs they do.
The number of MPs who genuinely have a clean sheet on expenses is small and mostly because they're either already wealthy, dishonest or waiting to clean up when they leave office.
David Hare made 2 unwatchably dull films about it.
Oh and plenty of photos of Caroline Lucas moaning on about how she's being done for public order.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 6th April 2014, 11:08 PM BSTTTPYO - my Left Wing mates on Facebook demonstrating a lack of short term memory by constantly putting up messages about Maria Miller fiddling her expenses.
After the last expenses scandal, six Labour MPs were convicted or pleaded guilty to fraud. So it's a bit rich for Labour supporters to glory in the corruption of Maria Miller.
Surely left wing doesn't equal labour voting though?
Plus I'm not really a fan of "you can't say this is bad because person X, Y and Z is also naughty" logic. It's not great that any of them do it.
I have a friend who is very much against the investigation of Rahman on the basis that lots of other mayors are up to similar tricks. So what? The fact that others are also guilty doesn't make him less so (if indeed that is the finding).
Quote: sootyj @ 6th April 2014, 11:14 PM BSTOh and plenty of photos of Caroline Lucas moaning on about how she's being done for public order.
Yep, I'm seeing those pop up everywhere, making out she's the new Gandhi.
Quote: sootyj @ 6th April 2014, 11:14 PM BSTThat whole thing about expenses just depresses me as the most endlessly, circular argument.
MPs salaries and expenses as they're written are inadequate for the jobs they do.
Salaries yes, but I always thought the expenses scheme was already very generous - hence why they got away with flouting the rules for so long.
Quote: Jennie @ 6th April 2014, 11:23 PM BSTSurely left wing doesn't equal labour voting though?
True, but if not Labour then who? Left Unity? The Greens? Lib Dem?
Well not so much generous, as weird, complex and not fit for purpose.
Like most politicians expense schemes, it's great if you want to run an office full of friends and families, get daily allowances and all sorts of other things.
Not nearly good enough if you need to maintain offices in Westminster, your home and your constituency. Or your job involves international travel.
It's created a suppurating abscess at the heart of English political life.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 6th April 2014, 11:26 PM BSTTrue, but if not Labour then who? Left Unity? The Greens? Lib Dem?
James you are perenially like a great cavalry commander who won't read maps and ends up charging the local outhouse instead of the enemy.
Yup I'm a Labour voter.
But most of the lefties we both know on facebook, are NOA, left lobby, Russell's Band or whatever shrill anti politics brigade are in fashion.
Most proper lefties I know stopped voting since Gulf War 2.
Idiots, they got the government they deserved.