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Things that piss you off Page 1,368

There's not enough capacity in the internet to describe what he f**ked up.

He did however close the firestations close to City Hall and Westminster so they could be sold off to developers.
So he's increased the risk of him burning too death.
This I approve of.

No, you're quite right, Renegade. I just can't envisage any scenario that would make me vote Tory (well maybe thumbscrews or branding)

Quote: keewik @ 2nd February 2014, 11:23 PM GMT

No, you're quite right, Renegade. I just can't envisage any scenario that would make me vote Tory (well maybe thumbscrews or branding)

That's fair enough, I'm the same way, unless some new firebrand takes over the Labour party and adopts a load of UKIP policies.

Quote: sootyj @ 2nd February 2014, 11:23 PM GMT

There's not enough capacity in the internet to describe what he f**ked up.

That is certainly one perspective, I'm pretty happy with him on the whole - great ambassador, lots of investment, many sensible policies, lack of scandal, freeze on council tax, London's continued prominence as a world capital, etc.

Plus he picked up, ran and championed a lot of his predecessors ideals - the Olympics, Crossrail, the regeneration of the inner cities, etc.

freezing council tax saves you I suspect less than a pound a week.
Not really worth it for 20 percent cuts in police, fire services, closing walk in clinics and no housing being built except for foreign investors.

As for crossrail there's so many diferent parties involved no one not even Ken get credit.

Same with Olympics.

He does want to build Thunder Bird Island for real which is fun and London's got a cable car. So erm yay Boris, the best alternative to George Galloway.

Quote: sootyj @ 2nd February 2014, 11:42 PM GMT

20 percent cuts in police, fire services, closing walk in clinics and no housing being built except for foreign investors.

Quote: sootyj @ 2nd February 2014, 11:42 PM GMT

there's so many diferent parties involved no one not even Boris get credit.

As for building an airport away from the city, sparing everyone a load of noise and increasing London's transport capability for the future - does it sound less daft then putting wind farms all over the country?

no no Boris Island is a decent idea, along with the other options of investing in London city airport

thing is he made a lot of noise about a London minimun wage. And when he got his headlines and a very small number of cleaners in a few investment banks. He quietly dropped the whole thing.

He tends to do that

Quote: sootyj @ 2nd February 2014, 11:56 PM GMT

thing is he made a lot of noise about a London minimun wage. And when he got his headlines and a very small number of cleaners in a few investment banks. He quietly dropped the whole thing.

He tends to do that

I must admit, he was a better politician when he was scorned by the Tory party and considered a bit of a joke. He used to have to battle Dave for every penny and threatened the Tories every week to get money for London.

Now they see him as a future leader, he's begun to toe the line. Oh well, enjoy Diane Abbott as the new Mayor of London, at least she won't be my MP anymore.


Frank f**king Skinner.


Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 3rd February 2014, 12:02 AM GMT

I must admit, he was a better politician when he was scorned by the Tory party and considered a bit of a joke. He used to have to battle Dave for every penny and threatened the Tories every week to get money for London.

Now they see him as a future leader, he's begun to toe the line. Oh well, enjoy Diane Abbott as the new Mayor of London, at least she won't be my MP anymore.

Don't ever accuse me of supporting het shes Boris with boobs

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ 2nd February 2014, 9:34 PM GMT

That's the main reason I use the Unrecognised Item In Bagging Area machines, nothing's worse then being stuck behind an old lady loading her bags at the speed of cement at the till.

No go on, take your time, take all the time in the world, have a nice conversation with the checkout woman, no problem, now go looking for your purse, it's alright I have all day, oh you've finally found your purse - excelsior! Oh coupons, that's a twist, oh dear, they're out of date, why not debate that fact with the check out girl, maybe she can call the manager over, as expected, they're out of date so you're going to put that item back, that's just pure magic, I'll just stand here with my three items waiting for the register to remove that item and now we have a new total, brilliant. Go on, count the cash out of your pocketbook, what's that? You don't have enough money? Guess you'll be paying by card then, have a few goes at your PIN, let's make it a game and hoorah, you've eventually remembered on the third go. So I can just...oh no, forgot to get your bonus points, time to break out the pocketbook one more time and here we go, it's my turn. Nope, have to wait for you to put your bags back in the trolley and eventually move away at 1MPH.

Old Lady: 'Sorry dear'

Me: 'No, honestly, that's fine.'

Inside my brain: 'I'm gonna set fire to your heart medicine and throw you off a motorway bridge!!! Angry Angry Angry '

Dontcha just hate it when you are proceeding through checkout at a normal pace and the guy after you is popping with impatience, possibly because he's idled away most of the day instead of allowing enough time for his shopping or because he's a nicotine addict and is suffering withdrawal symptoms and just has to get outside so that he can have a fag.


The never ending Zimbio - 'Which serial killer are you?', 'Which 1970s celebrity rapist are you?', etc. on Facebook.

An American friend of mine took the 'Which Star Trek character are you?' and got Riker. She wasn't happy about it, took the quiz again, changed her answers and got Uhuru. So what was the point of the quiz?

Disregarding the unscientific, ego massaging, blatantly flawed, written in an afternoon nature of these quizzes, what compels people to constantly do them? Do people wake up in the morning and not realise who they are? What is this desire to be lumped into a particular grouping based on the most superficial of evidence?

And hey, if the result doesn't live up to the dysmorphic, delusional and narcissistic view of yourself, you can always change it. Sure, you spend your weekends arranging your DVDs in alphabetical order instead of fighting Jedis, but you know in your heart that you are Darth Maul. You know, because you have so much in common.

At roughly the same time every year my Facebook gets flooded with people doing those quizzes. Oh well, they've been a thing since the dawn of the Internet forum.

Add to that the number of movie photos with some strangely ironic or topical statement. IE The Most Interesting Man in the World.

I don't always repost tired internet memes. But when I do, I'm trying to convince my therapist that I'm not a danger to others.

If only these people knew that they could spend their lunch break at work doing more functional tasks such as spouting bile to a bunch of strangers on a comedy forum! Where are their priorities at?!

Exactly. They have Orcs and Elves to level up. That's what's wrong with the world.

Today's supermarket whine. Arses who come right up close as you're trying to enter your pin number, so you end up having to cover the bloody gadget so much you can't see any of the numbers you're pressing.

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