Sorry Old Rocker missed the post! Penblwydd Hapus. And their's me complaining about turning 50! Here's something for you...

Sorry Old Rocker missed the post! Penblwydd Hapus. And their's me complaining about turning 50! Here's something for you...
TTPYO: burning the last pieces of bread in the house That's never a good omen for the rest of the day.
Quote: Harridan @ 26th November 2013, 8:43 AM GMTTTPYO: burning the last pieces of bread in the house
That's never a good omen for the rest of the day.
You're not going to do a 'Wicker Man' on the naughtiest kid again?
Well, not now that you've highlighted my motive! Tsk!
Just don't forget to stick a pot of water between the wickerman's legs for your shower later.
Quote: roscoff @ 25th November 2013, 11:24 PM GMTBeing 50. It sort of sucks
I'm way overdue for a mid-life crisis.
I turned 50 this year and I am barely over adolescent angst.
I'm getting mine in nice and early, I'm off to the Apalachians to pick a fight with Big Foot and seduce a lady Big Foot.
The little one does look a bit like you:
Thats my future missus you're impuning you cad.
Quote: Oldrocker @ 25th November 2013, 10:24 PM GMT67
On 24 November !
Happy birthday!!!
I guess you're the "oldrocker" because of your chair these days
I know, that was a terrible joke, but don't we all feel better now that I got it out of my system.
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.
"Never moan about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many."
Happy birthday rocker, hopefully one of these days you'll get back on your rocker.
You wake up at ,say, 6am
All tired and half awake and cosy
So you blindly take a peek at your watch and YES! it's only 6am , I don't have to get up for work for another... errr ... An hour and three quarters BRILL
An hour and three quarters.. that's like ages and ages
You can watch a whole movie in that time
So you close your eyes and chill
Then , about five minutes later (or so it seems) you glance at your watch and it's now SEVEN THIRTY ?????
how the ?? whoo? Whaaaaa?!!
Oh well ... don't need to get up for 15 minutes...
so you close your eyes and chill and .....
the bollocking alarm goes off
Where the hell did that fifteen minutes go???
I swear
My bed is a freakin time machine
I absolutely understand that.
Belated happy birthday, OR, from your new favourite family.