Friday 30th November 2012 1:38pm [Edited]
4,987 posts
Quote: Ignatius Rake @ November 30 2012, 7:40 AM GMT
Come off it, AJGO, at least he didn't stumble upon it on the internet, realise it was the funniest thing in the multiverse ever and so simply had to join this forum to share it with us.
Otherwise, top rant and completely valid.
Agreed, it's a rant that can be applied to many posters, many committing worse breaches of netiquette than his. It was the final straw. But how fortunate that I happened to stumble across that rant, and just wanted to share LOL-Virus-somethingentirelyillegible
Quote: evan rubivellian @ November 30 2012, 9:45 AM GMT
No, you're lovely and you know it!
If I had to choose a section, I'd go for the "this is a highly-regarded comedy forum" bit! In fact, that's going to be my catchphrase until futher notice.

Ignatius: I completely agree with you about the word "meme". There's something deeply annoying about it. Tell you what, let's start a rumour that the correct pronunciation of the word is "me-me". That'll put the cat among the intellectual pigeons.
BCG Pigeon English, I like it
Quote: chipolata @ November 30 2012, 10:18 AM GMT
I find it weirdly depressing that Bussell has gone from being the BCG's enfant terrible to being one of its elder statesmen.
Quote: David Bussell @ November 30 2012, 11:24 AM GMT
Believe me, no one finds it more depressing than I do.
Don't worry, it's all comparative