British Comedy Guide

Things that piss you off Page 1,015

:) 'Hear Hear'! very reasonable AJGO.

Dear Sootyj I know my parents love me, they both smoke but that does not mean they are not caring and responsible in lots of ways.

If people look back on their childhoods they inevitably find fault with their parents- smokers or not.

I think I spent most of my childhood essentially kippered.

They f**k you up, your mum and dad.

;) True Rwayne.

Quote: AJGO @ July 3 2012, 4:18 PM BST

Oh please on the smoking near children thing. There are plenty of people who never smoke indoors and wait til they're in the open air for their cigarette, whilst still keeping an eye on the kid and making sure they get to school, before going to do the food shopping, going to work to pay for the school stuff and food and rent, picking child up from school, getting them home safely on costly and horrible public transport, ensuring they do their homework and then have a safe and tidy environment to play and eat and sleep in.

No-one thinks smoking is a brilliant idea but cut other people a bit of slack, eh?

I smoke too, I was judging the parents blowing the smoke over their babies.
I never smoke in front of my child, she's not even aware I do it.

RC, I've just checked and I don't like you any better today.

Quote: rwayne @ July 3 2012, 4:42 PM BST

They f**k you up, your mum and dad.

rwayne yours did,that's why you were brought up in care and got your clothes from the Salvation Army.

Quote: sootyj @ July 3 2012, 5:05 PM BST

rwayne yours did,that's why you were brought up in care and got your clothes from the Salvation Army.

You feeling ok? that's odd, even for you.

What by implying that when you quoted Larkin's immortal words.

You were implying that you were a victim of bisexual, incestuous abuse?

That was positively puckish. Now admit it made you laugh and we'll speak no more of this.

Quote: sootyj @ July 3 2012, 5:10 PM BST

What by implying that when you quoted Larkin's immortal words.

You were implying that you were a victim of bisexual, incestuous abuse?

That was positively puckish. Now admit it made you laugh and we'll speak no more of this.

I'm amused by much of what you post, you have wit... this time, swing and a miss as I believe they say.

;) 'No man is an island'

Quote: dellas @ July 3 2012, 6:03 PM BST

;) 'No man is an island'

Except Island Man

Quote: AJGO @ July 3 2012, 6:17 PM BST

Except Island Man

Laughing out loud

(is he married to Isla St. Claire?)

Quote: AJGO @ July 3 2012, 6:17 PM BST

Except Island Man

And my mate Norton

Quote: AJGO @ July 3 2012, 4:18 PM BST

Oh please on the smoking near children thing.

It's a bad thing, especially these days, parents should know better. There is no excuse. Don't smoke near them, don't poke their eyes with needles, don't drop them from a great height. It's all in the updated handbook.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ July 3 2012, 6:22 PM BST

Laughing out loud

(is he married to Isla St. Claire?)

Yes. It is a beautiful sight to behold when she sings to him from the safety of his palm tree arms.
Isla Fisher tried to make a move once but it was blatant she was just after the profits from his industry

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 3 2012, 6:28 PM BST

It's a bad thing, especially these days, parents should know better. There is no excuse. Don't smoke near them, don't poke their eyes with needles, don't drop them from a great height. It's all in the updated handbook.

Of course there's no excuse. Except for being human and so not perfect. You wouldn't understand Stott, RC was telling us at drinks how you look like Dave Grohl, and a fella as fine as you understandably has little concept of how others may have shortcomings

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