Having at last just finished my sitcom I am now ready to turn my attention to Stand-up, and could be gigging as soon as next Tuesday, which is quite a scary thought. Unfortunately, having had these ideas floating around my head for some while, I don't know if they are funny any more, and would greatly appreciate some feedback on my routine. I'd like to know if it is funny obviously, but also if it may be a tad too offensive, and may make me come across as being quite ignorant and generally unlikeable. Thanks in advance.
"I see we have a lot of Uni students in today, lucky bastards! I've just finished Uni, and I remember before I went, I had the "drug" chat. "Be careful, don't give in to temptation, just say No". Unfortunately, I did develop a drug problem when at uni, I couldn't f**king find any. I went down every dark alley, sat on every park bench and shat on every dodgy toilet, all to no avail. I felt like the choir boy who doesn't get fiddled.
It can be quite a nervous time, the first year of University, who are you going to end up living with? My first year, there were 11 of us and a few were french. And I have to say, this made me even more nervous, but after a few months my irrational hatred of the french had been replaced by a thoroughly rational hatred of the french. The stereotype is true, they do eat too much cheese, and the sex, the french girl I was next to had more sex in an evening session than some do in their entire lives, priests for example, or still births.
But stereotypes are generally bollocks, I mean I'm Welsh therefore I must shag sheep, and the reason given for this; There are lots of sheep in Wales. Come on! We have lots of women too you know. All Americans are stupid, a stereotype which has been enhanced greatly through George W Bush. I think the biggest indictment of Bush is that he was so bad, Americans were willing to vote for a black man to replace him. That takes some doing.
There's a lot of America bashing in the world now. None more aggressively than Al Qaeda. They are against American capitalism and consumerism running the world, that it leads to greed. To Greed, and it may well do, but Osama Bin Laden has 9 wives! 9! Come on Osama, aren't you being a teensy bit hypocritical?
Are there are any members of Al-Qaeda here tonight? If there are, you only have to do one thing to win my support. Bomb the BBC studios when Comic f**king Relief is taking place, now that's a cause I can believe in. I used to think Comic Relief was a support group for poor comedians, but now I realise it's just rich people asking slightly less rich people for money to help abjectly poor black people to free there conscience and sleep at night. Never before have so many wankers congregated in such a small space, If you exclude the house of commons of course, the "wanker per square meter" count is much higher there.
American support for Israel is also a big reason for this bashing. President Ahmadinejad has stated several times that he wants to wipe Israel off the map, and he would, but sadly for him under Sharia law tipex has been outlawed. Apparently one sniff and the women go crazy, they start to talk and everything. It's mental! I imagine getting a blow-job off a woman wearing a burqa must look a lot like the ghost of Christmas future giving head.
There would be benefits about living in Iran though, for example there's no paparazzi, the chav underclass of the media world. The paparazzi are so sick and twisted they were probably trying to get up-skirts of Jade Goody even after she was diagnosed with cervical cancer. Vermin. "Pierre, shall we call for ze ambulance or take picture of ze car crash?", that's French by the way, you'll be pleased to know I am multi-lingual, I can do many accents! "We take picture, you stand there next to ze body of Princess" "Like this Pierre?" "Zat is tres good Clement, Now look shocked, Oh beautiful, beautiful". Can I just say for legal reasons that may not have been an entirely accurate portrayal of events, I fear my accent was more of a Brittany persuasion than Parisian".