IT David
Thursday 14th January 2010 5:21am [Edited]
223 posts
Griff I am slightly perplexed as to why you wish to know my age but I can tell you that I shall be thirty nine on March 10th.
Quote: Oldrocker @ January 14 2010, 12:01 AM GMT
What was I supposed to do? Follow the teachings of Jesus and turn the other cheek? Then come home next week and find them at it again?
But did you sit down with your second wife after you had caught her in this unsightly position and see if you could take steps towards saving your marriage. It takes a lot of guts I know but it can be done.
You might even wish to invite along the gentleman you caught her in embrace with. I know it sounds strange but it would prove to yourslef if no-one els that you had closure on what I accept must have been a highly unpleasant experience for you.
To not try and redeem the situation does show a slightly weakness of character if I a to speak honestly.
Quote: zooo @ January 14 2010, 12:08 AM GMT
Most people, although not yourself I'm sure
would not even notice the difference.
You are correct dear. As a religious man making a promise before Him is bound to be more of an incentive to fight through the troughs that even the most solid of marriages encouter.