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The Sitcom Project: Devil's Blurb Page 7

Writers Remaining

charley rance, David Chapman, earman2009, Gavin, Scott Evans

Still more the adequete to complete the project

My Idea

I Had an idea last night along the subtle line, let me know what you think.

The soul collectors use an elloborate phone system to collect souls, different calls meaning different thinga..

Tries to sell you double glazing - All is well
Tries to Sell you Mobile phone- Your looking a little pale maybe you should go to the dr's and get your self checked out
Tries to sell you insurance - Pack your bags your about to kick the big one.

I'm well enthusiastic about this project but I only logged in yesterday and the first deadline is today, eek! I'll give myself time to absorb the situation and be in touch during the week.

Cool Idea Gavin. I too had one last night. An idea that is. They can have specific haunts to visit like sales people. Haunts where there are likely to be lots of souls on offer. Casino's courts,Estate Agent conventions. lol....Etc. All the places one might find a sinner.

Ps. If during the sitcom we get to meet the Boss! I imagine him as a madallion wearing man. You know those middle aged men who dress from the 70's with hairy chests exposed and dripping with gold. Lol. So unexpected.

I'd sell my soul to win this hand


Ok the deadline has passed so I am taking all the ideas and will be back later tonight with the completed brief.

Hello again. I've missed loads of correspondence and ideas on this.

Like Charley I think I'm good at dialogue - you or someone sort out the plot and when it gets to my character I'll do his bits.

Just one idea for a character. A pop star who sells his soul and wins "Star Idol".

Cool Idea David. I am hoping it is decided that we each have our own characters.

What about ...........

...a weekend convention of all these characters who have sold their souls. They could tell each other their stories. How they are there, why they are there and what their futures are. Maybe this is becoming a bit "serious" but it could be black comedy.

I just thought. If we had this sitcom with slight undertones about the fact they all work for the devil, wouldnt the title alone give the game away.LOL. We would have to change it's name.

Well when I watched Porridge I didn't see that twist.

The Brief

The forces of good and evil are locked in an eternal battle for the hearts and minds of men, what of the souls that are in between which side will they choose?

We are going to enter the world or soul collecting.

Elza Bob is branch office manager, bitchy and hungry for power, Elza stomps around the office with her nose in the air barking orders at her minions. Elza's employees include Dev Elson, his flippant persona, and lackadaisical approach to his profession often lead to blows between himself and Elza. Dev's cubicle-mate and rival, Christopher Clark a “good-guy” but acts more like a villain trying to save souls opposed to his workmates, Chris is by the book and seems to spend his entire life up on his high horse; and newcomer Ashley, who quietly observes from the sidelines trying to make sense of the mayhem not knowing quite what she has got herself into.

Workers return to the realm of the living and have a limited time before the victim dies to convince a specific target soul or they hang around their usual haunts Casino's, courts, Estate Agent, Pop Idol competitions, places were people are likely to give their souls willingly for something they desire. Which effectively leads to their death and so the soul collectors get their prize. For example a gambler sells his soul to win a game of poker, after winning the game he cleans up and leaves the Casino a wealthy man he has a loose woman hanging from his arm and rents a hotel room everything is good until a drunken poker player bursts into his hotel room accuses him of cheating and pushes him out of a 14 story window.

So by getting those to sign their souls the collectors are in reality condemning tem to death which will lead to conflicts of interests.

End Brief

I will be discussing the distribution of jobs tomorrow with writers any thoughts or queries regarding the brief please PM or post them here I will address them promtly. Thanks

Hey charley I can see a cameo opportunity for you. :P

Maybe this may come together clearer if we break it all down and seperate it into answers to these questions. Answer these questions with firm answers and then people can begin to join it all together

Who is our main character

What is his purpose

Who does the main character interact with

What are their purpose

If you can answer this you have you main characters and what they do and obviously that will make up alot of what the story is about.

Anyone can have a crack at answering these and then as a group we'll pick the best and then put together a firm group answer to each question

Been away since friday and looks like a lot has gone on but my daughters been a bit poorly with a cold so I've been kept busy.

So my ideas on how to answer these questions

Who is the main character?


Who is he and what is his purpose?

The main character is Dev, he is a soul collector. A greedy guy that looks after himself. Dev should of gone straight to hell because he sold his soul to the devil but he took the opt out route to work as a soul collector. He isn't too thrilled about his job and since being lazy he isn't as great as he should be because he was hired due to the fact he was a great salesman/con artist in life. If he loses his job (and this is something he is constantly in danger of cos his boss hates him) he goes to Hell so he needs to keep it. HOWEVER, his office rival, the guardian angel aka Bob, hates him and his job is actually the opposite to Dev's so while our anti-hero tries to trick people into doing something bad so they are eligable to sell their soul and then to talk them into selling their soul, Bob is out to stop him and save the victims soul!

Quote: Gavin @ April 21, 2007, 2:53 PM

Once you have your team agreed, you should agree who owns what - in % terms. Not talking about issuing contracts here, but just so everyone is clear on who gets what to avoid misunderstandings later.

As far as I'm concerned this is Charely's idea. So credit and ownership remains with her.

I will have to disagree with this point and I think it is something that should be cleared up at the start. Although this is Charleys concept the actual characters, storylines and eventual script is the product of all the group members and so we should all be credited equally. I would propose we create a group name, just like there was Monty Python we should create a writing group and name it and all credits go to that.

When you start bickering about % is when you start destroying a group, look how many bands implode for this reason. Agree this is a group effort, agree it will all be spilt equally for better or for worse and then it is a point no one needs worry about.

Thats cool with me Scott Evans with regards to ownership.
A little credit saying (based roughly around an idea by Charley Rance) will do fine.LOL. If thats ok with everyone that is. This is a group project after all.

Gavin you are doing a fabulous job.xx

Leevil.. LOL :P :P You bugger!!!

The Sitters as a group name. Just a thought. Or the Board. I am sure you can all come up with a better group name. It took me 4 years to name my cat. She is called Meow.

**cough cough** My idea. **cough cough**

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