Monday 18th January 2010 2:40am [Edited]
51 posts
Quote: ShoePie @ January 17 2010, 8:53 PM GMT
Anyone else struggling this week?! 
Thank God you posted that. I spent yesterday slaving away at sketches about Gordon Ramsey losing a Michelin star and the BNP causing violence/ National Front debate in France and ended up at abandoning them because they were going no-where. I've only been able to salvage one correction from the junk nonsense material I wrote. Today, I flirted with a couple of stories but ultimately came up with nothing. I gave up for a while then had a had to go to talk with a mate about something we're writing together and am now drunk.
I've got over a dozen stories pinned up on my noteboard, and I have nothing. Nothing!
(I read the papers and cut out the stories I think there's something in, rather than browse the websites. Greenpeace have bought a £14 million pound boat, Gay rights will grind to a halt under the tory's, Futurists predict a four legged footballer, Hull could be Venice of the north if sea levels rise say Architechts, Civil weddings in Houses of Parliament draw closer. I just looked up and typed a few of the things in-front of my face. Should be sketches in those...I have NOTHING!)