British Comedy Guide


Awsome stuff. To bad the voices comes across metallic and emotionless. If they didn't, I'd be working on AVATAR 2. tomorrow. :P

You got a mic, Scott? If you do, would you consider dubbing over with your own voices?

They're pretty funny, in an internet animation kind-a-way (Pleased) but the robotic voice is too distracting, otherwise I'd be using this software all the time.

funny concept and the shots were well chosen, but, again for me the audio is distracting, great way to start dipping your toe into the animation process though. =]

Good sketch - Xtranormal has a voice editing thingy now. But if you have no mic try misspelling words to get them to sound right. E.g. disused - adding a z will probably get rid of the unnatural sounding s.

But a good sketch.


Laughing out loud

These make me laugh, maaaaaaaaan!

Nice reply too.

Laughing out loud
Great stuff! Mind you, I think American accents (or maybe one) would have been better. Still very funny though!

That 'Xtranormal' thing is fascinating.

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