British Comedy Guide

Need To Go Runner

The first part's a bit directions heavy, but please bear with it!

This is about 2% different to the version that a few people may have seen.


Ext. Street (1)

Man 1, who looks pained, is running down the street. He runs into some public toilets.

Cut to: Int. Public Toilets (1)

Man 1 runs to a urinal and, with a big sigh, unzips his flies. At the same time, Man 2 enters. Man 1 looks horrified. He clocks the empty urinal next to him. He clocks the two cubicles behind him – they both bear "OUT OF ORDER" signs.

Man 1:
Oh no!

Man 2 is now urinating in the urinal next to Man 1. Man 1 is unable to urinate and starts turning his body as far away as he can. Man 2 finishes, shakes himself dry and walks over to the taps where he washes his hands.

Man 1:
(UNDER HIS BREATH) Your hands are clean! Just go!

Man 2 checks his hair in the mirror. Man 1 starts hopping from foot to foot. Man 2 leaves. Man 1 sighs. Man 3 walks in. Man 1 whimpers. Man 3 goes to the urinal next to Man 1. Man 1 pretends to finish urinating with a grand shake and that noise men make when they finish urinating. Man 1 zips up and calmly walks to the taps where he washes his hands before running out screaming.



Ext. Street (2)

Man 1, who looks very pained, is running down a street. He spots a public toilet sign up ahead and smiles. He reaches the entrance and finds a turnstile with a coin slot. A sign on the turnstile reads "20p ADMITTANCE. EXACT CHANGE ONLY". Man 1 shoves his hand in his pocket and brings out some change – 5 £1 pieces.

Man 1:

Man 1 starts rattling the turnstile. He begins to climb the turnstile. A cleaner, from inside, appears with a mop.

Here! What do you think you're doing?

Man 1:
I'm… uh….

You were trying to get in without paying, weren't you?!

Man 1:
How dare you?!

Man 1 jumps down from the turnstile where he starts hopping from foot to foot.

Man 1:
I don't want to use YOUR toilet. I've got a perfectly good one at home, thanks.


Man 1:
Have you got change for a quid?

No, mate.

Man 1 runs away screaming.



Int. Public toilets (2)

Man 1 is show from the waist up. He unzips his flies, sighs and begins to urinate with a huge smile. As he finishes off, a toilet is heard flushing.

Man 1:
Oh crap!

Man 1 is revealed to be urinating into a sink. A woman emerges from a cubicle and sees Man 1 frantically doing up his flies. The woman screams. Man 1 runs away laughing manically.


Nice idea but these all feel a bit conventional e.g. they're stuff that could quite concievably happen so there's no comedic twist.

It's a funny idea & I could see it working well.
You could go in any number of directions with it.
I'd like to see him find a quiet field that seems to be deserted & when he looks up there is a man standing right next to him urinating.

Also I'm not sure if he should actually get to go at the end, maybe he just keeps getting foiled.

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