British Comedy Guide

Newsflash: An 'egdy' sitcom that is good!

As a student of comedy I have many a time watched a show that has been raved about only to find the writers have opted for shock value and use of bad langauge and gratitous references, and possibly degraded their own morals beliefs, in order to garner laughs.

However, I have recently discovered 4oD on YouTube and was pleasantly surprised when I came upon a forgotten gem from the mind-ninties entitled 'Dressing For Breakfast'. Yes it does refer to sexual acts, however, the nature of the reference are highly sophisticated and relate to the complex dilema of the main character Louise.

I vaguely recall the title, but can remember nothing about the show itself. On 4OD you say, David...? Thanks for the tip, might check it out. ;)

A tenner says it stars Prunella Scales and Windsor Davies.

Apparently not...

Holly Aird, eh? Well I never. Good little actress. :)

Apart from having one of the most thoroughly dislikable characters in British sitcom, what on Earth makes Dressing For Breakfast 'edgy'? :S

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ December 17 2009, 2:04 AM GMT

A tenner says it stars Prunella Scales and Windsor Davies.

Well, Prunella Scales worked in a second-hand book shop as Sarah in After Henry. Meanwhile, Windsor Davies played an equally non-new antique dealer in Never The Twain.

So umm ... there's a link there at least?

Quote: IT David @ December 17 2009, 1:47 AM GMT

find the writers have opted for shock value and use of bad langauge and gratitous references, and possibly degraded their own morals beliefs

Sounds like a John Lucas post! Unimpressed

Quote: chipolata @ December 17 2009, 10:45 AM GMT

Sounds like a John Lucas post! Unimpressed

Yes, well, I'm a very influential man, you know.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ December 17 2009, 10:48 AM GMT

Yes, well, I'm a very influential man, you know.

You must lie in wait, waiting for mention of your name. Like Marc P without the puns. And more sweary grumpy beligerance!

Quote: chipolata @ December 17 2009, 10:51 AM GMT

You must lie in wait, waiting for mention of your name. Like Marc P without the puns. And more sweary grumpy beligerance!

That's a very long wait. Unless you're on. And when I say on, I don't mean 'on'. Or do I? Eh?

Without gratuitous references to sex and violence I wouldn't be the man I am today Errr

A primary school teacher?

Quote: Aaron @ December 17 2009, 12:37 PM GMT

A primary school teacher?

Correct :)

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