Thread dedicated to wasting your time - either on-line or off-line. What have you done which was a complete waste of your time? Hours you won't get back. Pointless, precious minutes of your life which you can reflect on your death-bed served little or no purpose in the greater scheme of things.
Posting on the BCG is the only exception to this category, not because it might not be a waste of your valuable life-force, but because it's far too obvious an answer.
So, it could be anything...
- wandering aimlessly around the supermarket trying to find where they have now decided to store the Marmite
- waiting for a delayed train, which is then cancelled... and turns out to be the wrong one anyway
- holding on the line in a late night Radio 5 phone-in, in the misguided belief that talking to Stephen Nolan is somehow a good idea
- being an unelected Prime Minister trying to run a government
From the most trivial to the most massive, how are/have you been wasting your time and, indeed, life?
Personally I spent an hour the other night trying to argue nicely with 'Freedom For Amanda' campaigners posting all sorts of bollocks about anti-Americanism, the Mafia, Knoxy's treatment being akin to the Salem witch trials, etc... on a blog message board. A complete and utter waste of my time, which achieved precisely nothing. I'll never get that hour back and all it did was irritate me.
OK, your turn...