Wednesday 9th December 2009 8:16pm
78 posts
Thanks for the reply guys. It's very easy to get caught up hunting down rarities isn't it? (It is for me anyway, spent months looking for a copy of Delerious on VHS before it's DVD release.), so it's good to know that it might not ultimately be worth it anyway, saves time!
Will have to have a look at 'Live'.
While on the subject - and I'm sure this definitely HAS been asked before - I was hoping to glean some intelligent thesis on comedy from it. Does anyone else have other recommendations whether on film or in print on the nuts and bolts of humour - I don't mean 'How to Write Jokes' I mean sort of...humour studies.
I've been fascinated by that ever since Monty Python's gangster sketch. What was his name again?..."He used to come round every Sunday and nail my head to the floor". Anyway, I just remember a line form that, "He used to use sarcasm. He knew all the tricks...litotes..." and ever since I've been searching for some kind of thesis on comedy, types of comedy, etc.